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Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:19 pm
by KGtabake
Because the Sixers can't afford another loss to the Celtics, which will cause a blowup to the Process.
Because Giannis winning a 2nd consecutive MVP and a DPOY at the age of 25 will cause one more meltdown after the Last Dance to the fanbase of a particular player.
And because if the Raptors win again, the media will demand to cancel the championship forever.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:26 pm
by dhsilv2
ProcessDoctor wrote:
chitownsalesmen wrote:So I understand that there is a safety concern with COVID, but what is with people on realgm that don't want basketball this season?

I can appreciate someone who lives with an at risk person not wanting to expose them self to such a viral load but why do posters here not want basketball to see NBA basketball return and I'm not hearing safety concerns mentioned.

My theory based on what I've seen is either people with agendas who don't certain players to achieve success or fans of the bottom of the barrel teams that are just jealous.

What do you guys think?

That should be reason enough. There is still a misconception that only some people are at risk. EVERYONE has a risk of acquiring it and getting very sick from it.

one could say the same about the flu or other diseases. This is certainly more dangerous than most, but there's a risk with anything in life. For the vast majority of players this isn't something they need to be hyper concerned about if they're otherwise isolated. The problem is the nba is more than the players.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:28 pm
by jokeboy86
Its not even health concerns for me and I'm a fan of team that is a title contender. Its just the momentum is lost and the stoppage was so long that I'm just meh if the season continues or not. I think the OP thinks that just cause you're on realgm your basketball fandom should be at the highest level all the time. Its like the people who get enraged if you say you like pro sports but you don't want tax payer money to go towards new arenas/stadiums. Here's a concept maybe sports isn't the end all be all in everyone's lives 24/7.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:32 pm
by xdrta+
Benedict_Boozer wrote:
Hellcrooner wrote:Because they want Lakers and Lebron to waste 1 year of their title window.

This - pretty obvious

This = ridiculous

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:33 pm
by The_Ghost_of_JB
ProcessDoctor wrote:
The_Ghost_of_JB wrote:
Hellcrooner wrote:Because they want Lakers and Lebron to waste 1 year of their title window.

This sums it up for me.

Plus If the season starts up I assume its right to the playoffs which means the Cs play the sixers in the first round which means the Sixers beat the Celtics easily in 4 or 5 games.

While I'd love for that to happen, don't underestimate our complete lack of identity :lol:

Well that may be true but don't underestimate how bad the Celtics big are and how Embiid and Horford will wreak havoc on the Celtics front court.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:40 pm
by JasonStern
I'm fine with cancelling the regular season if the alternative is 70 games. 70 games means the playoff teams are already set. Not seeing the point in having 14 teams sleepwalk through 4-6 meaningless games. Just skip straight to the playoffs and cut the number of people potentially at risk by nearly half.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:42 pm
by Bornstellar
Because the season has already been compromised.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:46 pm
by Hornet Mania
LOL at the idea that the vast majority of people want to cancel the season simply because of Lebron. Maybe a few salty haters do, but the majority who prefer cancellation don't even consider Lebron's preferences one way or the other.

As someone who would probably cancel the rest of the season if it was my decision alone I'll lay out a few reasons why I lean that direction:

1. After two months off, apparently with as much as 1/3 of the league not having access to a hoop, the level of play will likely be severely impacted. It will be early season jitters and screw ups except in the playoffs now, 3pt specialists potentially dropping from 40% from deep to 30% from deep, all sorts of performance-related issues might crop up. That's potentially a very serious problem. If the league comes back and teams are playing poorly it's a bad look and just invites more 'asterisk' nonsense.

2. How dedicated is the NBA to resuming the season if more infections occur? My assumption is not very. If they're going to cancel the season again if 3-4 players get infected then don't even bother, especially since it seems players will be able to freely leave 'the bubble' whenever they please according to recent reports. (If the NBA is all-in no matter how many guys get infected then disregard this concern)

3. If the NBA commits to not resuming until November it gives the league that many more months to consider and prepare for all contingencies. Like the question above of how they would react if a few players showed up with infection to a game. More time usually leads to being better prepared and making better decisions, it would benefit the league to focus on figuring out how 20-21 could go a full 82 + playoffs in a world where Covid-19 is still around.

4. Offseason activities for teams could go along more or less as planned if the season does not resume. The lotto has already been postponed but it could be thrown together quickly and the draft and free agency could go on in the summer if the season is cancelled. Negotiations over the CBA could resume, those will probably need more time now that all sorts of economic insanity is certain (like the cap going down by 25%+ next year and perhaps even for 2-3 seasons depending on vaccine availability)

5. The 20-21 season could start in November as usual if the season is canceled. I'd rather cancel these playoffs after what amounts to an entire offseason of delay rather than start 20-21 at Christmas or whatever.

I fully expect the season to resume, but those are the arguments for cancellation.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:46 pm
by Mamba81p
Maybe because playing basketball during a once in a century pandemic is not the best idea. Wasting resources(tests, doctors) for entertainment should not be a priority.
Also, after watching Bundesliga last weekend... I don't think it's worth it. The quality is really bad and as others said the season is already compromised. It's like watching preseason...

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:46 pm
by bondom34
dhsilv2 wrote:
bondom34 wrote:
DaGawd wrote:This.. it's wild people are really trying to make this about whose rooting for a good team vs whose rooting for worse teams or who people don't want to see win.. I'd say it's mainly about health for those who don't want to see this season continue.. myself included

Also I didn't add but if something does happen, all this does is really screw over next season. People saying not continuing makes less season less likely, but what if they try this and there's some outbreak? And by next season it is more under control? Then people are going to be super skeptical and we've lost a full season over it.

Everyone is so focused on the players who are extremely low risk, they forget the ages of a lot of coaches, refs, and others involved. Not everyone is under 40 and an elite athlete. If it were just the players, I think the health risks are small enough that this is a pretty minor thing.

Yeah frankly I shouldn't have even said it the way I did. The players' health likely will be fine (though IDK long term effects), but guys like Ingles or others putting family members at risk if they don't sit out, and the chance of an outbreak ruining next season too.

We've lost all momentum from the year, it's going to be super weird and the product will be worse, and they risk an outbreak. Oh and if a star gets it during the playoffs? The asterisk talk will be insane. Using tests on this seems a little inappropriate and honestly I can't list all the reasons it feels wrong. Other than money, there's no reason to do it.

Personally I'm just not comfortable with it.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:48 pm
by ProcessDoctor
dhsilv2 wrote:
ProcessDoctor wrote:
chitownsalesmen wrote:So I understand that there is a safety concern with COVID, but what is with people on realgm that don't want basketball this season?

I can appreciate someone who lives with an at risk person not wanting to expose them self to such a viral load but why do posters here not want basketball to see NBA basketball return and I'm not hearing safety concerns mentioned.

My theory based on what I've seen is either people with agendas who don't certain players to achieve success or fans of the bottom of the barrel teams that are just jealous.

What do you guys think?

That should be reason enough. There is still a misconception that only some people are at risk. EVERYONE has a risk of acquiring it and getting very sick from it.

one could say the same about the flu or other diseases. This is certainly more dangerous than most, but there's a risk with anything in life. For the vast majority of players this isn't something they need to be hyper concerned about if they're otherwise isolated. The problem is the nba is more than the players.

Stop with this lazy comparison. Yes, they're both respiratory viruses, but the comparisons need to end there. There's a vaccine for the flu and the mortality rate for COVID is more than 10x higher. The current strains of the flu will NEVER cause a pandemic like COVID. There is an anti-viral that can reduce flu symptoms if given at the right time. COVID patients are getting hospitalized and dying despite the most extreme intensive care efforts. Even remdesivir can only be used in patients with a certain test profile and is expensive as hell.

COVID can get much worse if we take it lightly. Had we taken earlier and stricter stay-at-home policies we wouldn't even be in this situation in the first place, evidenced by how other countries almost completely avoided it by doing so. There are risks in life, but tell me which one of them can cause a massive population death toll like COVID. Instead of thinking of it a personal risk we should all be viewing it as a population risk.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 4:53 pm
by Harcore Fenton Mun
Because the season ended two months ago, and whatever comes back wont have anything to do with that season.

It's going to be an abomination. Nobody's going to respect the winner anyhow.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 5:05 pm
by InsideInfo
At this point last year the GSW had already won the Western Conference Final. That is roughly where we should be today.

I personally feel like the window has closed. If you start the season back up how deep into the year is the season going to go? How will it push back next years training camp and and the start of next year?

I want to see next season start on time and get back on the schedule that we have all know.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 5:16 pm
by Tony Franciosa
Bornstellar wrote:Because the season has already been compromised.

Yup. It's already got a taint and is asterisk worthy no matter what happens. Too much time has elapsed to consider any games played an actual meaningful part of the 'current' season.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 5:28 pm
by limbo
Mamba81p wrote:Maybe because playing basketball during a once in a century pandemic is not the best idea. Wasting resources(tests, doctors) for entertainment should not be a priority.
Also, after watching Bundesliga last weekend... I don't think it's worth it. The quality is really bad and as others said the season is already compromised. It's like watching preseason...

That would make sense... if pretty much 95% of society hasn't already start moving towards normalcy...

More and more people are going back to work, businesses are opening again, construction is resuming, kids are going back to finish schools, people are already starting to throw parties/plan trips for the Summer, clubs are opening, restaurants are back to serving food, boarders between countries in European Union are starting to open (even hot spot Italy is pushing strongly for countries in EU to open up boarders so they can generate some money from tourism)...

But no, having a basketball camp of 500 people (with no fans, and the media stuff/coverage done online) in Disney land will completely destroy society beyond repair... There's no way we could allow something so careless/irresponsible to happen.

Look... I get that basketball and other 'entertainment' activities are a luxury and largely unimportant in the grand scheme of things. But if we're going to allow people to move freely, go to work, go on vacation, go to school, eat outside, party in the club etc... Then does it really matter what the NBA does? Most of the people are already back to doing whatever the eff they want anyway. Unless you're willing to barricade yourself into a bunker and go buy food in a hazmat suit or order it online before spraying it down with +80% alcohol every time... you're going to be at risk.

Other than that, i really don't see any harm in the NBA at least TRYING to finish off the season. It's not like they have anything else to do. Seeing how COVID tests can be bought for $150-200 by anyone who wants online, i really don't see how that makes it a scarce resource... If someone gets so sick that they need to see a doctor, they're probably not going to deny them a test... Maybe somewhere in bumfck Brazil, but usually not in a developed country. Hospitals are also largely not filled up with capacity currently, as far as i can tell.

I guess some people would rather see it cancel altogether than getting it over the finish line with too many asterisks... And i get that. There obviously comes a point where the product gets so diluted (if superstars or too many players in general get COVID), that having a last man standing Bam/Crowder/Herro/Nunn/Dragic vs. Zubac/Morris/PG/Shamet/Reggie Jackson, Clippers vs. Heat type Finals seems kind of pointless to begin with...

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 5:29 pm
by Ree4erMadness
Birth of the Cool wrote:My theory is that weird people don't understand that there's a worldwide pandemic going on that has infected over 1.5 million people and killed over 95,000 people in the USA alone (put that in perspective, that's as if 9/11 attacks happened 32 times since March...).

Also OP it's not even about effecting a person you live with that is an at-risk demographic. If that's your threshold for social distancing then you are pretty selfish. It's about not having mass gatherings that are a breeding ground to quickly spread Covid (multiplying effect).

What kind of messed up head do you have to have to think people don't want the NBA season to proceed because they don't want some other team or player to win a Championship or they are jealous...who thinks like that? Your paranoia is kicking in. Maybe, just maybe most healthy / normal thinking individuals just think in the big scheme of things NBA basketball, as much as we all love it, isn't that important considering the circumstances. Call me crazy!!

My thoughts exactly. His reasoning is absolutely ridiculous.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 5:31 pm
by Ree4erMadness
My first observation is that many people here aren't old enough to remember the '99 season.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 5:41 pm
by lakerz12
limbo wrote:Basically, if there's like a 0.5% chance of getting COVID it's not worth the risk for most people. They need a 100% guarantee that everything is safe to commit... which not only will not happen now, but likey won't happen until there's a vaccine out (that's been thoroughly tested). Not to mention there being a pretty widespread belief of a potential 2nd wave coming in less than half a year again... In that case, even having a 2021 season would be viewed as not safe by a lot of people...

So now there's basically two options out there... Barricade yourself in a bunker and wait until the whole mainstream tells you the virus has been eradicated or a vaccine has been develop. Or try and just live life (with certain precautions) and live with the results... Like, people still get in their cars and do all types of dangerous stuff in their day-to-day lives fully knowing the possibilites of every such action being potentially fatal...

I'm not here trying to tell anyone how to approach thr situation on a personal level. If someone wants to barricade themselves they have a right to do that, but at what point do we let people just live their livea, because it's obvious not doing that has a massive negative effect on society in every imaginable aspect...

There's a 100% chance that there will always be a risk of catching COVID or a similar virus. And then, keep in mind, there's probably less than 1% chance a healthy person will die from it.

Also, there's a 100% chance that there will always be a risk of getting hurt or dying every single moment on planet earth. Your heart could simply stop beating at any moment. Welcome to life. It's always been this way.

To try to reduce risk to 0 is absurd and unprecedented.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 5:46 pm
by kuclas
It will be hard. Unless nba turns a blind eye and ignores ALL SYMPTOMS players or coaches may experience. Because they will avoid testing ANY people involved in the games. Any one player coach or referee tests positive means everyone exposed with that person has to get tested immediately and with false tests (false negatives) in the 30% range. A “negative” test is not reliable.

So what happens if player in 7 game series gets sick and tests positive. Everyone exposed is screwed for days or weeks.

I have had friends and seen patients (I work in hospital) I do not live in New York or any “hot spot” areas. But I have seen patients test “negative twice”. We have had to intubate them. Finally on their test they tested positive.

So a negative test isn’t a stamp of approval you are free and clear especially when you aren’t feeling 100%. And even people without symptoms who carry the virus can pass it on to other players and or families who will eventually get sick.

Re: Why do people want to cancel rest of the season?

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 6:02 pm
by dhsilv2
ProcessDoctor wrote:
dhsilv2 wrote:
ProcessDoctor wrote:
That should be reason enough. There is still a misconception that only some people are at risk. EVERYONE has a risk of acquiring it and getting very sick from it.

one could say the same about the flu or other diseases. This is certainly more dangerous than most, but there's a risk with anything in life. For the vast majority of players this isn't something they need to be hyper concerned about if they're otherwise isolated. The problem is the nba is more than the players.

Stop with this lazy comparison. Yes, they're both respiratory viruses, but the comparisons need to end there. There's a vaccine for the flu and the mortality rate for COVID is more than 10x higher. The current strains of the flu will NEVER cause a pandemic like COVID. There is an anti-viral that can reduce flu symptoms if given at the right time. COVID patients are getting hospitalized and dying despite the most extreme intensive care efforts. Even remdesivir can only be used in patients with a certain test profile and is expensive as hell.

COVID can get much worse if we take it lightly. Had we taken earlier and stricter stay-at-home policies we wouldn't even be in this situation in the first place, evidenced by how other countries almost completely avoided it by doing so. There are risks in life, but tell me which one of them can cause a massive population death toll like COVID. Instead of thinking of it a personal risk we should all be viewing it as a population risk.

There are multiple strains of flu and we don't always have a vaccine in place. Mortality rates are next to zero among extremely healthy young people. One can be reasonable and practical to the risk with Covid on a demographic like the NBA athletes without dismissing how real and dangerous the disease is with the population at large.