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Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 2:36 am
by BigWil17
next time any of you change lanes without signalling, turn yourselves in.

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 2:59 am
by Don Ford
GonzoLays wrote:

Why is this so hard to understand?

The alcohol-crash link was confirmed in a series of case-control studies that compared the BACs of drivers experiencing crashes with those of matched non-crash-involved drivers. These studies found that relative crash risks increase exponentially with BAC: at .05 the risk is double that for a zero-BAC driver, at .08 the risk is multiplied by ten, while at .15 or higher (the levels typically attained by drivers arrested for drinking and driving) the relative risk is in the hundreds. The curve is even steeper for serious and fatal crashes, for single-vehicle crashes, and for young people.

Driving is a dangerous act by itself, doing something that will impair you driving ability such as drinking is irresponsible and stupid. Just ask the thousands of people that have lost a friend or family member in an accident where the other driver only 'had a few'.
Obviously there are no reliable details on what really happened (TMZ is not exactly but if Pierce was driving after he had been drinking then he did something extremely stupid and dangerous.

Why is this so hard to understand?

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 3:14 am
by sweet daddy
This is not going to get solved in here. We've got people in here that want to see athletes act responsibly (I'm one of them), and we've got people in here that want to defend their actions. All we're gonna do is call each other names, and it won't do anything but make board enemies.

There are boneheads in the NBA, just like there are boneheads in society in general. I guess our only real choice is to watch it or not watch it.

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 1:21 pm
by BadWolf
There are some really strange things in this story.
Why was this reported, why did the police report this to the press? A Headline of Paul Pierce was not DUI? Well, so weren't Kobe, Wade, Lebron and huzndreds of other stars.
They stated clearly he was under legal level and yet people accuse him of being a drunk driver. Flash I really don't get your pointz. They said he was not drunk, yet you think he is stupid cause he drinked and drove?
Now there's a report he was handcuffed and then released without any sentence. Is that normal in US?
This is really one bizarre story.

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 1:40 pm
by Sting3r
Pierce had to do more than just change lanes without signaling. If I had to guess, he was probably swirving in and out lanes like he was drunk(wheter he was officially or not)...otherwise the poilce would never felt the need to stop him and put him in handcuffs. He probably got away because of his celebrity status and him beig the best player in the world and all.

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 2:01 pm
by Phobo_Phile
Flash3 wrote:
GonzoLays wrote:
Flash3 wrote:Just stupid. Plain stupid!

Drinking and Driving don't mix. -- I could care less what the breathalyzer says....

Yea, don't let the facts get in your way. :lol:

So if Paul blew .02, that's still plain stupid? really?

Have you ever in your life had one drink at a restaurant with your meal then drove home?
I could care less, and that's my personal opinion.

Drinking & Driving are a lethal mix. A beer or two might not hinder someone's ability to reason, as has been said, but I can't say for sure, as I've never had a drink in my life and don't plan to.

But, the 2 are a deadly combo, just as women putting make-up and trying to drive/people texting while trying to drive etc.

Sorry, but this makes you uninformed on the subject. If you've never had a drink how can you judge what is allowable for others?

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 2:08 pm
by TrueRain
Phobo_Phile wrote:Sorry, but this makes you uninformed on the subject. If you've never had a drink how can you judge what is allowable for others?

Probably the millions of death caused each year by it.

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 2:21 pm
by cwas2882
TrueRain wrote:
Phobo_Phile wrote:Sorry, but this makes you uninformed on the subject. If you've never had a drink how can you judge what is allowable for others?

Probably the millions of death caused each year by it.

Exactly how many millions of deaths are caused by just one drink?

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 2:27 pm
by TrueRain
cwas2882 wrote:
TrueRain wrote:
Phobo_Phile wrote:Sorry, but this makes you uninformed on the subject. If you've never had a drink how can you judge what is allowable for others?

Probably the millions of death caused each year by it.

Exactly how many millions of deaths are caused by just one drink?

Exactly where did it say in my post that millions of deaths are caused by one drink?

The poster I quoted said that because Flash3 never had a drink it made him uninformed on the subject of what's allowable for others when considering drinking & driving. My point is, you don't need to drink to know what can come of it. I never said that having one drink will cause you to go out and kill a group of innocent teenagers.

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 2:31 pm
by Three34
*eats more popcorn*

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 3:08 pm
by GregB
Flash3 wrote:
GonzoLays wrote:
Flash3 wrote:Just stupid. Plain stupid!

Drinking and Driving don't mix. -- I could care less what the breathalyzer says....

Yea, don't let the facts get in your way. :lol:

So if Paul blew .02, that's still plain stupid? really?

Have you ever in your life had one drink at a restaurant with your meal then drove home?
I could care less, and that's my personal opinion.

Drinking & Driving are a lethal mix. A beer or two might not hinder someone's ability to reason, as has been said, but I can't say for sure, as I've never had a drink in my life and don't plan to.

But, the 2 are a deadly combo, just as women putting make-up and trying to drive/people texting while trying to drive etc.

Well thankfully their are Scientists who run tests on these things. Then in turn the states make laws based on those findings. Those people say Pierce was not drunk driving. Their opinion means a lot more than someone who has never had a drink in their life and has never experienced the effects of drinking.

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 3:35 pm
by cwas2882
Sham wrote:*eats more popcorn*

I lol'd

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 3:41 pm
by cwas2882
TrueRain wrote:
cwas2882 wrote:
TrueRain wrote:Probably the millions of death caused each year by it.

Exactly how many millions of deaths are caused by just one drink?

Exactly where did it say in my post that millions of deaths are caused by one drink?

The poster I quoted said that because Flash3 never had a drink it made him uninformed on the subject of what's allowable for others when considering drinking & driving. My point is, you don't need to drink to know what can come of it. I never said that having one drink will cause you to go out and kill a group of innocent teenagers.

You referenced his post, in which he said "a drink," not multiple drinks.

I'm also interested in your millions of deaths caused by it. I'm assuming you're not talking out of your ass and can provide a source for your claim.

Just to help you out a little, the number of alcohol related fatalities in the US in 2006 for the range of alcohol we're talking about (.01-.07 BAC) is 2,535.

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 3:42 pm
by Blame Rasho
It takes alot of drinks to get a 6'6 240 guy tipsy...

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 3:47 pm
by JoshB914
I can't believe this has gone so far. The cops pulled over a black guy driving a nice car (standard) and then let him go when they couldn't nail him for anything other than an illegal lane change. This is just typical BS from the police.

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 4:14 pm
by TonyMontana
I think the cops pulled Pierce over just to tell him that he's actually not as good as he thinks he is.........LOLLLL

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 5:55 pm
by BitonKOBE
It takes alot of drinks to get a 6'6 240 guy tipsy...

thats pretty irrelevant, so far as i can tell

Re: Cops say Paul Pierce not drunk enough

Posted: Mon Aug 4, 2008 5:59 pm
by bigbreakfast
cop must've let him go coz he's the best basketball player in the world...