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Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:44 pm
by CupcakeNoFillin
Cammo101 wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

Some people never learn. Ask Indy fans how much they want Ron back on there team. He is a team ruiner, plain and simple.

Ask Indy fans why they hate Stephen Jackson, then ask Golden State fans why we LOVE him.

I know Ron is more "crazier" than Jackson, but I still think that he'd do very well in Golden State. Heck, we might as well sign Chris Anderson to form a team full of personality.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:53 pm
by Bibbinator
CupcakeNoFillin wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

Ask Indy fans why they hate Stephen Jackson, then ask Golden State fans why we LOVE him.

I know Ron is more "crazier" than Jackson, but I still think that he'd do very well in Golden State. Heck, we might as well sign Chris Anderson to form a team full of personality.

All you need is KG.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:57 pm
by Cammo101
CupcakeNoFillin wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

Ask Indy fans why they hate Stephen Jackson, then ask Golden State fans why we LOVE him.

I know Ron is more "crazier" than Jackson, but I still think that he'd do very well in Golden State. Heck, we might as well sign Chris Anderson to form a team full of personality.

The real Stephen Jackson will eventually out himself in Golden State. Jackson has always been a model citizen in his first couple years with a team and then went nuts. Happened in San Antonio, happened in Indy, and it will happen in GS once the going gets tough.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:03 pm
by Smills91
Jazz fans are little bitches...I went to school in Utah, and when they lose they'll throw crap at the officials, players and act like little bitches when they lose. You can yell, you can boo, but the minute you start throwing tantrums like a little 2 year old is where I draw the line. Utah fans act very poorly at their sporting events.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:08 pm
by Rasheed36
How exactly is Artest crazy? Because he taught some punk kid a lesson by kicking his ass. Or by actually showing heart for a game he loves to play.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:12 pm
by Showtime:Part2
lol at the sac fans getting upset and calling jazz fans classless. what irony. they must have forgotten their behavior during those LA/SAC playoff series. artest is clearly dirty. grabbing, pushing, talking smack

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:16 pm
by KingInExile
jazzfan1971 wrote:Artest gets watched closer than any other player in the NBA. But, then he's earned that privledge, hasn't he?

So you're saying double standards are fine. Why should Artest even bother to play the game if Stern and his henchman Stu Jackson have already decided that the rules apply differently to Ron? It's crap and it just continues to make the game a fraud. If you are going to paint bulleyes on certain guys backs and will let others pass for a similar style of play, all you have is just another version of WWE wrestling.

Either call the game consistently for all players and equitably on both sides of the ball, or post a disclaimer for each game stating "the following is a dramatization developed by NBA Entertainment; any resemblance to reality is coincidental".

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:20 pm
Ron Artest was born in the wrong era. His toughness and approach to the game would have been highly valued a decade or two ago. Now, for some reason, it's frowned upon by the league. I still think he's a little crazy, though.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:25 pm
by Bibbinator
Dwight Howard almost whacked Rajon Rondo clear across the head.. if that was Ron Artest people would be like.. OMG THATS UNCALLED FOR!

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:35 pm
by Nate505
mitchweber wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

Sure, when the heckling is "nice shot, loser" or "you suck!" Basically something relating to the game. But players shouldn't have to deal with crap like that.

Ahh yes, how dare they not read the Mrs. Manners Guide to a Kinder and Gentler Heckling.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:37 pm
by Cruel_Ruin
KingInExile wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

So you're saying double standards are fine. Why should Artest even bother to play the game if Stern and his henchman Stu Jackson have already decided that the rules apply differently to Ron? It's crap and it just continues to make the game a fraud. If you are going to paint bulleyes on certain guys backs and will let others pass for a similar style of play, all you have is just another version of WWE wrestling.

Either call the game consistently for all players and equitably on both sides of the ball, or post a disclaimer for each game stating "the following is a dramatization developed by NBA Entertainment; any resemblance to reality is coincidental".

QFT. This isn't the first time either, Ron's had a clear target on his back dating back all the way to the 06 playoffs with that BS suspension that pretty much swung the series.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:39 pm
by Nate505
Puertorique wrote:It looked like Artest and Harpring were playing competetive physical ball. Nothing wrong on either end.

As for the fans it looked like if Artest was having fun with them. It didn't look like he was pissed at any time and he was intereacting more then insulting the fans.

What happened to the NBA where physical play and **** talking was part of the game. Charles, Dennis, MJ, Pip, Zeke, Oak, Pat, Zo, McHale, Payton would make people today cry if that is the reaction that Ron Ron is getting.

I agree. I had no problems with Artest or the way he acted. It was even amusing at times. But to justify whatever he does because of fan heckling is laughable. And if he really got kicked out because the fans got under his skin, then the fans not only did their job but they actually made a direct concrete difference in the game.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:42 pm
by Nate505
KingInExile wrote:3. The Jazz broadcast team have now surpassed Tommy Heinsohn as being the most ignorantly homeristic broadcasters in the NBA. They are absolutely pathetic and that video proves it.

Hahahahahahaha.....that's hysterical. Espcially coming from a Knigs fan, whose announcers contend for the biggest group of homers ever.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:46 pm
by Nate505
Smills91 wrote:Jazz fans are little bitches

Ahh yes, of course.

It's amusing how much Jazz bashing is allowed on this site. Not to mention jokes about Mormons and whatever. ALthough you do wonder if these guys ever had an original thought in their life.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:49 pm
by kooldude
Harpring could take down alot of players, but RonRon would wreck him.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:54 pm
by Nate505
kooldude wrote:Harpring could take down alot of players, but RonRon would wreck him.

Especially if he was sitting in the stands in street clothes.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:54 pm
by djtruebeliever
DJ Sueko wrote:i dont care how "crazy" ron artest is, matt harpring would kick his ***

no way man, you don't **** with crazy people. they'll keep swinging after you gouge one of their eyes out.
Cammo101 wrote:-= original quote snipped =-
Hard to tell for sure since the only time we saw Artest in a fight he was running from Ben Wallace.

I seem to remember him hitting somebody during that game...
jazzfan1971 wrote:Well, you can call it anything you like.

When I watched the game, I got the distinct impression that Ron was high.

Was he? No idea, but, that was my impression. I'd love to have a poster that's a cop or something watch that game and give me their impression. I'd imagine a cop would be a walking drug test after dealing with so much experience.

from personal experience, cops are among the last people you want to give you a judgement on whether someone is high or not. who you really ought to ask is someone who has been around drugs a lot in the past, or who is still around them. now I don't know what kind of drugs you're talking about, but most of the kinds that would make you act all crazy tend to affect your coordination, balance, etc. which Ron didn't seem to have trouble with.
DJ Sueko wrote:i am sure harpring could take out artest easily. hes a football player, could of gone pro. military background.

just because he doesnt go into the stands to fight defenseless fans doesnt mean hes a pussy.

i swear its like theirs a bunch of white black supremecists on this board. harpring is no punk. u guys prolly think kobe could beat him up too :crazy:

they were throwing trash/bottles at Artest, don't know if I would consider them defenseless. you don't have to be a black supremacist to just look at their bodies and see that Ron would wipe the floor with harpring. and typical, pulling out the reverse racism bs.
Nate505 wrote:-= original quote snipped =-
Ahh yes, of course.

It's amusing how much Jazz bashing is allowed on this site. Not to mention jokes about Mormons and whatever. ALthough you do wonder if these guys ever had an original thought in their life.

with all due respect, joking about mormons is easy and fun. I mean, the guy created the book of mormon by reading out of a hat that he wouldn't let anyone else read out of, and until like 1985 mormons were supposed to wear their holy-underwear in the shower. seriously, I'm not making this stuff up.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:59 pm
by RoxFan08
Hey, lets keep the religion stuff out of this. We're all entitled to our own opinions, but thats an aspect irrelevant to this board, so lets keep out of it.

That said, I think the Jazz FANS are some of the most rude, annoying, and ungracious fans in all of Basketball. And watching a lot of Rockets-Jazz games, I've seen enough games over the years to see THAT isn't changing.

Props to Artest for showing them up.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:02 pm
by TMU
Ron Artest showing his Tru-Warriorness...

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 9:09 pm
by CupcakeNoFillin
Bibbinator wrote:Dwight Howard almost whacked Rajon Rondo clear across the head.. if that was Ron Artest people would be like.. OMG THATS UNCALLED FOR!

Also when Al Horford injured TJ Ford. If that was Ron Artest, everyone would go crazy.