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Re: RealGM 2023 Top 100 Project - #100 (Deadline 5/8 5am PST)

Posted: Wed May 8, 2024 3:16 pm
by trex_8063
OhayoKD wrote:Okay, but that's besides the point: averages go down the more you play. All else being equal, bosh playing half the minutes inflates his averages relative to Worthy


OhayoKD wrote:
Even if we exclude '93 for Worthy [because not in his prime], the playoff comparison looks like this.....

Bosh: 18.4 PER, .144 WS/48, +1.8 BPM in 35.2 mpg
Worthy: 18.6 PER, .140 WS/48, +3.1 BPM in 37.3 mpg

He still doesn't have an edge in all of them, and his edge in PER [and mpg, fwiw] are only marginal/negligible. So even here, "significantly" feels at least a little out of place.

Why are you only taking out 93?

So it's a comparison of prime vs prime.

OhayoKD wrote:For an even comparison, 93, 91, and 90 wouldn't be included here raising worthy's average above Bosh in all the all-in-ones. Moreover, even with that 6 vs 6 comparison, Worthy would be maintaining that higher average over significantly more minutes(on top of also averaging 2 more minutes a game). You can argue these stats are misleading or whatever, but compare like for like, and Worthy is clearly advantaged in these metrics (at least in the playoffs).

Bearing in mind I still don't get or agree with your premise that we must compare even numbers of minutes, or why "averages go down the more you play".....

Even if we were to reduce things to an even(ish) comparison of minutes, I don't agree with what you've done above.......which is basically remove ALL THREE of Worthy's statistically WORST playoff runs. That's rather selective.

Re: RealGM 2023 Top 100 Project - #100 (Deadline 5/8 5am PST)

Posted: Wed May 8, 2024 3:30 pm
by Doctor MJ
Personal vote:

Induction 1: Cliff Hagan
Induction 2: Connie Hawkins

I'll give Hagan my last vote honoring his career...and his historic fall in this project

Hawk gets my 2nd spot. As I've said, I could see Hawk much higher or much lower due to longevity.

Re: RealGM 2023 Top 100 Project - #100 (Deadline 5/8 5am PST)

Posted: Wed May 8, 2024 3:57 pm
by AEnigma
Doctor MJ wrote:I’ll give Hagan my last vote honoring his career... and his historic fall in this project

Historic in the sense he was nominated and just sat around for nearly forty rounds, but otherwise, this is a player who has been inducted into only two of the prior six projects, at #92 (2008) and #94 (2020).

When I think “historic fall”, I think Alex English going from a 2020 forum low of #68 to not even receiving more than one or two scattered nomination votes throughout the entire project. And yeah, different voters, different process, different points of emphasis (only three series won does make for a tough obstacle in the absence of strong impact indicators), but an absolute mainstay fell over 30 spots past his prior low mark. In contrast, Hagan being inducted anywhere near where he was nominated would have been the complete reverse: a relative non-entity for the project’s purposes suddenly leaping up 30 spots without any real backing to the change.

Re: RealGM 2023 Top 100 Project - #100 (Deadline 5/8 5am PST)

Posted: Wed May 8, 2024 4:04 pm
by Doctor MJ

Hawk - 2 (Samurai, trelos)
Worthy - 8 (AEnigma, Clyde, Ohayo, beast, ShaqA, Ambrose, falco, hcl)
Bosh - 4 (trex, eminence, ltj, iggy)
Hagan - 2 (f4p, Doc)

Continuing Worthy vs Bosh:

Worthy - 0 (none)
Bosh - 1 (trelos)
neither - 3 (Samurai, f4p, Doc)

James Worthy 8, Chris Bosh 5
James Worthy is Inducted at #100.

...and That's All Folks!

Re: RealGM 2023 Top 100 Project - #100 (James Worthy)

Posted: Wed May 8, 2024 4:08 pm
by Colbinii
James Worthy's final year in the Top 100 as #100. Quite fitting Big Game James get's big one more time.

Re: RealGM 2023 Top 100 Project - #100 (James Worthy)

Posted: Wed May 8, 2024 4:47 pm
by AEnigma
Colbinii wrote:James Worthy's final year in the Top 100 as #100. Quite fitting Big Game James get's big one more time.

Mm, maybe. I would say aside from Tatum and Luka (for obvious reasons), none of the other late inductees should feel innately more secure than Worthy. And when you weigh Worthy’s aura against most of those names, I think Dominique is the only one who can claim to be on equal footing.

(Peripherally on that note, incredible final choice of image.)

Re: RealGM 2023 Top 100 Project - #100 (Deadline 5/8 5am PST)

Posted: Wed May 8, 2024 4:49 pm
by trex_8063
Doctor MJ wrote:Tallies:

Hawk - 2 (Samurai, trelos)
Worthy - 8 (AEnigma, Clyde, Ohayo, beast, ShaqA, Ambrose, falco, hcl)
Bosh - 4 (trex, eminence, ltj, iggy)
Hagan - 2 (f4p, Doc)

Continuing Worthy vs Bosh:

Worthy - 0 (none)
Bosh - 1 (trelos)
neither - 3 (Samurai, f4p, Doc)

James Worthy 8, Chris Bosh 5
James Worthy is Inducted at #100.

...and That's All Folks!

Thank you for taking this one on, Doc.

Re: RealGM 2023 Top 100 Project - #100 (James Worthy)

Posted: Wed May 8, 2024 6:02 pm
by OldSchoolNoBull
Oops, I forgot to vote on this final thread. Damn.

For posterity though, it would've been Hagan and Worthy, so it would've made no difference.

Re: RealGM 2023 Top 100 Project - #100 (Deadline 5/8 5am PST)

Posted: Thu May 9, 2024 5:26 pm
by trex_8063
trex_8063 wrote:
OhayoKD wrote:Okay, but that's besides the point: averages go down the more you play. All else being equal, bosh playing half the minutes inflates his averages relative to Worthy


I didn't hear back on this query; perhaps with the project over you've lost interest. But as I'm going to be out of town soon (probably "offline" for most of it), I'm going to reply to what I think you mean (based on context of the other things you'd said).....

I presume when you say "the more you play" you refer to deeper runs in the playoffs; and that "averages go down" because on deeper runs you're facing better and better teams (and perhaps more importantly: better and better defenses). So the guy who was part of a run all the way to the Finals is having his "averages" affected by that greater competition more so than someone whose team was one-and-done (1st round exit).

In theory, this suggestion may occasionally bear some truth, but I don't see this as bearing much weight within this specific comparison, for two [EDIT: three] reasons:

1) Bosh didn't have fewer playoff games/minutes because his team was perpetually making a 1st round exit (while Worthy's went on deep runs). Because of the previously-discussed weak supporting casts that Bosh had literally EVERY year in Toronto, they largely were not making the playoffs in the first place (as you yourself noted: he had 6 playoff appearances to Worthy's 9). This is a function primarily of supporting cast strength (Worthy wouldn't often take those Toronto casts to the playoffs either).

But the average depth of playoff runs (i.e. the number of series's per playoff appearance) is actually very similar. Bosh was in the Finals 4 out of 6 playoff appearance (66.7% of the time); Worthy was in the Finals 6 of 9 playoff appearances (66.7% of the time).
Bosh played in 18 total playoff series's in 6 appearances--->an average of 3.0 per playoff appearance; Worthy played in 30 series's in 9 appearances--->average of 3.33 per playoff appearance.

Not a ton of difference there.

EDIT: 2) Teams making a 1st round exit are often facing tough competition, because we're frequently talking about the (5)6-8 seeds [facing 1-3(4) seeds].

3) Your theory assumes similar-tiered competition [at a specified depth of playoffs] amid different conferences and eras. This is DEFINITELY NOT the case in reality, however.

It really needs to be noted that the Western Conference of the early and mid 80s was extremely weak (outside of the Lakers themselves): arguably the weakest a conference has ever been (relative to the other) in any era in NBA history. Further, through much of the mid and mid-late 80s, the WC teams that actually were decent, were so more often because of their offense than their defense. This resulted in situation where the Lakers rarely had to face a good defensive team in their own conference (because the vast majority of good defensive teams where in the East).
This was the case until '89; in '84-'88, aside from the Jazz who were at or near top of the league defensively [Eaton era], the rest of the West was relatively weak defensively (the Lakers only ever had to face that Jazz defense ONCE in Worthy's career, btw).

The most extreme disparate year in this regard was in '84:
NINE of the top-10 defenses in the league [including all of the top 8] were in the Eastern Conference.
If you're doing the math, that means 11 of the BOTTOM 13 defenses were in the Western Confernce (including ALL of the bottom 5).
And btw, that one [best in the conference] 9th-rated defense was the Lakers themselves.........literally every other team in the West was a below league average defense. So they could not help but face bad defenses all the way to the Finals that year (they would face even worse defenses all the way to the Finals in '87, too).

Let's not also forget that through much of the 80s, 8 out of 12 WC teams would earn a playoff berth.
These factors all contributed to some relatively weak competition [and weak defense, in particular] for the Lakers as they plowed through their conference, year over year.

Bosh's teams, otoh, faced a below average defense just twice [out of 18 playoff series's], and the WORST one of them was a +1.0 rDRTG (the other being marginal at +0.1 rDRTG).

Worthy, in his '87 playoff run alone, faced THREE defenses that were worse than that single-worst defense Bosh faced in his entire career; the BEST defense Worthy and the Lakers faced that year in the West was a +1.9 rDRTG.
In his whole career, Worthy would have SEVEN playoff series's [out of 30] where he faced a defense WORSE than the single-worst defense Bosh faced, plus an 8th series facing a team that ties the worst defense Bosh basically a full quarter of his playoff career he had the luxury of facing defenses worse than anything Bosh EVER faced.

Bosh faced a defense better than ANYTHING Worthy ever faced FIVE TIMES (all of them substantially better, in fact): that's like 28% of his playoff career.

Overall, here is what their average competition per playoff series [including the Finals] looked like.....
Bosh: +2.87 SRS, -3.38 rDRTG
Worthy: +2.63 SRS, -0.54 rDRTG

If I again removed '93, just so we're comparing only prime to prime......
Worthy (avg opponent faced): +2.50 SRS, -0.51 rDRTG (while Bosh's remains the same as above)

And again, the comparison by the box metrics [prime v prime, in the playoffs] looked like this:

Bosh: 18.4 PER, .144 WS/48, +1.8 BPM (Per 100: 24.4 pts @ +1.5% rTS, 11.7 reb, 2.1 ast, 2.2 tov) in 35.2 mpg
Worthy: 18.6 PER, .140 WS/48, +3.1 BPM (Per 100: 28.2 pts @ +4.5% rTS, 7.0 reb, 4.3 ast, 2.8 tov) in 37.3 mpg

Considering the sizable difference in the average defense being faced (the average diffence being a nearly -3 rDRTG better for Bosh's opponents), this doesn't look like near the margin you've suggested. While I'll allow that perhaps performance vs good/bad defenses should be explored before drawing over-arching conclusions, this is [generally] not supportive of a large gap overall in the playoffs.

And again: Bosh far outplayed him in the rs.

Re: RealGM 2023 Top 100 Project - #100 (Deadline 5/8 5am PST)

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 9:01 pm
by trex_8063
trex_8063 wrote:
OhayoKD wrote:Okay, but that's besides the point: averages go down the more you play. All else being equal, bosh playing half the minutes inflates his averages relative to Worthy


trex_8063 wrote:Considering the sizable difference in the average defense being faced (the average diffence being a nearly -3 rDRTG better for Bosh's opponents), this doesn't look like near the margin you've suggested. While I'll allow that perhaps performance vs good/bad defenses should be explored before drawing over-arching conclusions, this is [generally] not supportive of a large gap overall in the playoffs.

I was curious, so I went ahead and compiled how they did against various tiers of defensive opponents. I haven't had time to figure per 100 possession averages, so just going with per game (over the years in question, pace is going to favour Worthy fwiw [close to a 10% boost]).

I broke the opposing defenses into the following similar-sized tiers:
"Average" (-0.9 to +0.9 rDRTG)
"Good" (-1.0 to -2.5 rDRTG)
"Very Good" (-2.6 to -4.5 rDRTG)
"Elite" (-4.6 to -6.5 rDRTG)
"Super-Elite" or "All-Time Great" (-6.6 rDRTG or better)--->there have only been 23 such defenses in the last 73 years of NBA history (fwiw: Bosh's teams had to face THREE of them in the playoffs).

And I had the same breakdowns for "Weak" (e.g. +1.0 to +2.5 rDRTG), "Very Weak", and "Pitiful" (for +4.6 to +6.5); was no point making a "Ultra-Pitiful" category, as such a team is never going to find itself in the playoffs.

Here's how both Worthy and Bosh faired (and I'll omit '93, so it's a comparison of prime vs prime)......

vs "Pitiful" defenses
Worthy (1 series [3 games], +4.8 rDRTG faced): 18.7 ppg @ 60.5% TS, 5.3 rpg, 6.0 apg, 4.0 topg.
Bosh: n/a

vs "Very Weak" defenses
Worthy (2 series's [11 games], avg +3.39 rDRTG faced): 21.3 ppg @ 61.4% TS, 5.8 rpg, 2.6 apg, 2.5 topg
Bosh: n/a

vs "Weak" defenses
Worthy (5 series's [20 games], avg +1.94 rDRTG faced): 21.35 ppg @ 61.4% TS, 4.7 rpg, 3.65 apg, 1.85 topg
Bosh (1 series [5 games], +1.0 rDRTG [barely below "Average" category] faced): 14.6 ppg @ 60.6% TS, 5.8 rpg, 0.6 apg, 0.6 topg

vs "Average" defenses
Worthy (8 series's [38 games], avg +0.17 rDRTG faced): 21.0 ppg @ 61.6% TS, 6.1 rpg, 2.9 apg, 2.1 topg
Bosh (2 series's [10 games], avg -0.22 rDRTG faced): 15.6 ppg @ 51.8% TS, 8.6 rpg, 1.9 apg, 1.9 topg

vs "Good" defenses
Worthy (5 series's [24 games], avg -1.66 rDRTG faced): 22.0 ppg @ 55.3% TS, 5.2 rpg, 3.1 apg, 1.8 topg
note: the '93 series falls in this category; if included it looks like this:
Worthy (6 series's [29 games], avg -1.60 rDRTG faced): 20.6 ppg @ 52.8% TS, 4.9 rpg, 3.0 apg, 1.7 topg

Bosh (5 series's [22 games], avg -1.99 rDRTG faced): 18.9 ppg @ 53.1% TS, 8.5 rpg, 1.3 apg, 2.0 topg

vs "Very Good" defenses
Worthy (6 series's [31 games], avg -3.16 rDRTG faced): 21.5 ppg @ 54.2% TS, 4.6 rpg, 3.5 apg, 2.2 topg
Bosh (5 series's [26 games], avg -3.64 rDRTG faced): 13.6 ppg @ 57.3% TS, 7.2 rpg, 1.6 apg, 1.1 topg

vs "Elite" defenses
Worthy (2 series's [11 games], avg -4.83 rDRTG faced): 22.2 ppg @ 59.5% TS, 5.3 rpg, 3.4 apg, 2.1 topg
Bosh (2 series's [10 games], avg -6.19 rDRTG faced): 11.2 ppg @ 52.8% TS, 5.1 rpg, 0.6 apg, 1.1 topg

vs "Super-Elite" or "All-Time Great" defenses
Worthy: n/a
Bosh (3 series's [16 games], avg -7.15 rDRTG faced): 17.3 ppg @ 58.3% TS, 7.8 rpg, 1.25 apg, 1.4 topg