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Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:43 am
by HoopsGuru25
Dumb play by Joe. He should have caught it in the backcourt or closer tot he 3 point line.

We are such a dumb's like we basically hand the other team the ball sometimes.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:43 am
by High 5
I don't like our chances.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:44 am
by HoopsGuru25
No foul?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:44 am
by High 5
I really wish they held the ball there...

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:44 am
by Hawkeyes
WTF?????????????????? HOW MANY FUC**** BAD CALLS CAN REFS MAKE??

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:45 am
by High 5
Bad mistake on our whole team there.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:45 am
by HoopsGuru25

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:45 am
by dms269
Well on the replay it did look like he got all ball. Now in the transition I think there might have been some fouls but the block seemed clean.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:45 am
by FilthyRich
no foul it was a good play, i dont understand why they rushed it though.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:46 am
by Hawkeyes

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:46 am
by Brazilian_Hawk

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:46 am
by High 5
Does Bulter know who Josh Smith is?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:46 am
by evildallas
Rough night for Marvin.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:47 am
by dms269
Where are the haters who saying Smith is a bad 1 on 1 defender?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:48 am
by HoopsGuru25
big time block by Smoove.

I'm considering blaming Woody for this if we lose. Some one has to be resoponsible for the mental mistakes we make. Why we didn't call timeout or wait to get the last shot is amazing.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:50 am
by High 5
It would have been nice to avoid OT just by hitting 1 of our 8 missed FTs. And LOL at AJ pulling out every move he had and getting it swatted like that.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:50 am
by Brazilian_Hawk
Please Hawks no more wasted FTs :pray:

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:52 am
by Hawkeyes
Did I just see Jsmooth nail a 3?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:52 am
by HoopsGuru25
Am I the only one who notices that Smith(a horrible shooter)actually hits his J's in crunch time?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:54 am
by Hawkeyes
Oh no, Free throws.