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Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 6:29 pm
by ParticleMan
I think you guys are making WAAAAYY too much about this bringing the ball up against pressure thing. Yes, it hurt us against Detroit. But it hasn't hurt us much this season outside of that, and there are ways to bring the ball up without just giving it to the PG and saying "go". I am pretty sure that if the team dedicated itself to bringing the ball up, it wouldn't be an issue. It's not like we have Rondo and 12 Perks on the team, a lot of our guys can handle the rock.

As for DS, for the vet min I'd certainly consider it (assuming he knows he's a backup and promises not to cause trouble). But there is no way I'm taking on his ridiculous contract. And there is double no way I'm trading TA for him. Just not worth it.

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 7:28 pm
by Red2
another ball handler plus scoring. what's the downside?

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 7:28 pm
by Darth Celtic
he brings nothing to this team. He plays poor defense and is way worse on offense then house.

maybe the knicks could sign him.

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 8:10 pm
by reggielewis
if we tarde tony allen i want a Bonzi wells type of player back. Bonzi apparently si only making a couple mill according to one of the houston posters. thats a steal if i have ever seen one. I would love him coming of the bench, but i am not willing to move tony for a "old guy" unless he has true value. I wouldnt even move him for cassell right now because i dont htink we have seen tony even scrathc his surface yet.
Damon makes me nervous because I really dont think he would take a backseat an dwwith him in eddie in the backcourt we might as well just go ahead and give the opposition 20 points ebcause that backcourt defense would be PUTRID