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Fair trade in keeper or no?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:47 pm
by yanksknicks101
10 man h2h keeper league (first year), normal cats but OBP and complete games are included.

I get Troy Tulo
I give up Rollins and Bumgarner

I feel that in a one year league, the trade obviously favors myself getting Tulo. I feel that this trade is extremely fair in a keeper league, especially since i got rollins in the 5th round, costing only a 3rd rounder to keep if he does well and i got bum at around 14 i believe, costing an 11th rounder next year to keep.

The league has vetoed it which has myself and my trading partner very upset. I normally do not complain about vetoed trades, but i wholeheartedly believe this trade to be fair in a KEEPER league (which they seem to not understand). I've even been asked to give up kyle drabek, who i got in the
21st round or Wainwright who i got in the 19th round in addition to bum and rollins.

This veto really does not sit well with me, again, cause i believe the deal to be fair. Would like some opinions on the deal from non-biased fantasy baseball fans. Thank you

EDIT: Would ANYONE like to view AND comment?

Re: Fair trade in keeper or no?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:57 am
by Bac2Basics
I've never played in a keeper league.

However, I'd say this isn't a veto worthy trade for a keeper league. Rollins is clearly declining but should still be servicable for another year or 2.

Bumgardner should progress well, but I don't think anyone expects him to be quite of the level of a Roy Halladay or Cliff Lee, but a solid #2 starter on a good team isn't out of the question before he's done.

Tulo should be a solid top quality SS for the forseeable future, but he does have enough history to where he's not without a little concern.

It may not be perfect value for value, but it's not veto worthy.

Take a look at my teams on another thread and make some suggestions.

Re: Fair trade in keeper or no?

Posted: Tue Sep 6, 2011 11:45 am
by Huuminh
Hatcher >> Delmore
Havlat >> Stillman
Marchant = White

That's how I see it

Havlat is worth a TON if it's a keeper league. If it's a keeper league, do not allow this trade to go through.

Re: Fair trade in keeper or no?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 6:48 am
by SneadFrank
Perhaps because of age, injuries, a change in teams/leagues or just general ineffectiveness, there are a few players that you may consider throwing back instead of using up a fantasy baseball keeper spot. We've all heard that speed is not something you can count on from year to year but Bourn has been a model of consistency for several years now.

Re: Fair trade in keeper or no?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:07 pm
by Apathy
they don't veto unfair trades in real sports. vetoing stuff in fantasy leagues is just terrible. it personally makes me insta-quit the league.

i figure if your league lacks knowledgeable managers and/or men who realize poor deals may go down and are willing to deal with the consequences, it's hardly worth your time and energy

tulo side obv wins but it's not close to vetoable