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Terry Francona out

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:06 pm
by Celtics_Champs
Looks like an announcement on Francona's departure will come soon according to many reports.

Thoughts? Hate it? Love it?

I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. With all the reports coming out, Francona lost that ball-club. Drinking, getting out of shape, players throwing each other under the bus.

I don't think a new manager is going to fix all the problems, but a change, and getting rid of some of the cancerous guys, getting some good locker-room guys in there could help this ball-club.

Re: Terry Francona out

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:10 pm
by KGboss
Yup, it is official now.

I'm indifferent on it, but I also don't think he managed the team well this year. To go from the best team in the league to one of the worst records in September is unbelievable, and we can't assume that is all the blame of the players. Something must have been going on, and maybe Francona was the problem.

Re: Terry Francona out

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:19 pm
by Geoffrey P
There's a point to which Francona has little to no control over ****. I think the players are to blame more than anyone. It's hard enough being in charge of a sports team in Boston. He shouldn't have to baby sit professional grown men; that's shouldn't be his job.

Unfortunate position for him though because I think a lot will put the blame on him :/

Oh and I also heard there are some over-paid babies on the Sox that need to GTFO.

Re: Terry Francona out

Posted: Sat Oct 1, 2011 4:14 am
by Celtics_Champs
Who do you guys want?

I'd love to go hard after Joe Maddon, but he'd probably say no.

Tony Pena?

Re: Terry Francona out

Posted: Sat Oct 1, 2011 9:39 am
by threrf23
Francona had his strengths and weaknesses. He was great at managing players, but not as much in terms of managing the team per se, and I have certainly never thought of him as a real good game manager, even if there were things he probably did well in that capacity. When he had the right players, there was sufficient leadership and chemistry in the locker room to mask his weaknesses, and hence his strengths shined through. As the Duquette holdovers either left or otherwise became older / less healthy / etc, and as offseason acquisitions (sans Adrian Gonzalez and maybe a few others) were less effective...well, I think Theo & crew need to take more responsibility, not that they are avoiding responsibility, but just saying...

I know it's kind of out there, but if he were willing, I'd be happy to see the job handed over to Jason Varitek.

Re: Terry Francona out

Posted: Sat Oct 1, 2011 5:42 pm
by Pharmcat
how can you guys blame him for the behavior of the players?

players complaining about traveling? ortiz interrupting his press conference over a stat issue? lackey showing every1 up, etc

the blame to me is solely on the players for their sense of entitlement

Re: Terry Francona out

Posted: Sat Oct 1, 2011 7:16 pm
by Celtics_Champs
Pharmcat wrote:how can you guys blame him for the behavior of the players?

No one is putting all the blame on Francona. Lots of fans upset over Francona's departure. I'm indifferent. I liked him, but it just wasn't working.

and you have to put some of the blame on him or ownership for not helping if Francona is telling the truth. If the players aren't disciplined they're just going to keep walking all over him.

Re: Terry Francona out

Posted: Fri Oct 7, 2011 5:36 pm
by Celtics_Champs
Henry and Lucchino were on D&C this morning. I wasn't really pleased with many of their comments. On crawford, they weren't defending the signing, it was more like they agreed that everyone should take the blame for the signing. That's not something you want to say about a guy who's here for 6 more years.

I also got the feeling they might want Theo gone too.