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Brad Penny Ready To Go

Posted: Mon Apr 6, 2009 3:38 pm
by NES 247 ... rad_Penny/

Brad Penny is the Red Sox [team stats]’ fifth starter.

The right-hander made his final start of the spring yesterday, allowing five hits and three runs in five innings of a 7-3 loss to the Twins. More important than the numbers, though, was how he felt, and he passed that test with flying colors.

Reaching 96 mph with his fastball and throwing a decent splitter over his 79 pitches, Penny said nothing physically is holding him back from starting in Anaheim on April 12, the first day the Sox will need a fifth starter.

Terry Francona agreed.“He’s all set,” the manager said. “Monday (on Opening Day), with the weather, who knows, things could change. We could need a fifth starter before (April 12). We’ll stay flexible.”

Its gonna be a big bounce back year for Penny. I would see him putting up around 15 wins and an ERA around 4.00. If thats remotely the case, thats pretty damn good depth in the back of the rotation. I hope that Penny doesn't feel the need that he has to do to much, b/c he knows how good he can pitch and wants to get back to the level that he is acustomed to. There is a lack of pressure on him though b/c he doesn't have to be the man at the top of the rotation in Boston. I also hope he doesn't get arm fatigued b/c if he is healthy he'll be pitching a lot more innings this year than last year.