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NBA games postponed today p14 Players decide to resume Playoffs

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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#141 » by FecesOfDeath » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:34 am

musiqsoulchild wrote:
A theory that is easily proven in this situation itself.

A white kid decides to come all the way from Antioch, Il in response to a "call for action".

Shoots protesters. Let's assume that these protesters got what they deserved.

This plain clothes kid with a gun you cannot miss is standing in the middle of the street. And cops are racing past him towards the protesters.

It's like the cops are color blind. Not really. But you get the pun.

Mr. Out-of-Town Plain Clothes Kid established a rapport with the LEOs in the area by telling him his intentions of assisting in defending the local small businesses. They gave him a water and thanked him for helping out.

If Mr. Out-of-Town Plain Clothes Kid were black and gave them the same message, like a certain David Dorn or David Patrick Underwood, he would've been given the same reception.
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#142 » by League Circles » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:37 am

musiqsoulchild wrote:
League Circles wrote:
wonderboy2 wrote:It’s funny on this board. I love white people but I don’t think some people will ever understand the problems blacks have to face when it comes to dealing with the police unless you are close to the situation. The problem on these boards is that people look at stats to much not knowing that everything thing the police do are not documented especially in poor inner city communities. To tell you the truth most of all my black friends I know have been either roughed up by the police or had a gun stuck in their face. Absolutely none of my friends have a criminal record and all of them are professionals. Hell most of them don’t even drink or smoke. I’ve seen some white people say they are tired of all of the protesting, well that’s to bad because black people have been tired of being the target to racist, scared cops.

Worth noting there is no so-called black experience or white experience. Of course people share things in common but if you think that every black person has been feels they have been systematically oppressed by the police you're just factually incorrect. Youre also very much incorrect to think that that doesn't happen to white people sometimes. Especially young white males. I know I've been unfairly treated by the cops and so have a number of my friends, blacks and white. 4 of my closer friends got into a big serious fight in HS. The one white guy got a felony charge he's been hassled with his whole life. The black guy and the two hispanics got off.

Check out perspectives from some of my favorite intellectuals Glenn Loury and John McWhorter. As well as Colion Noir, Lil Wayne, etc.

I'm not suggesting in any way that everything is fine for black folks and that incredibly harmful racism by police hasn't been an enormous problem. But it's helpful to give scope and scale and to know that it's not all fine and dandy for whites with cops either.

Use percentages to quantify...otherwise it looms like you are talking on both sides.

Not actual facts...just a percentage look inside your thought process.

For example:

I believe 10 percent of Cops are racist. And that the Black experience of racism is over-indexing by x percent.

I'll extremely grudgingly give you my wild, completely irrelevant guesses as a gesture of good will in this discussion:

By my definition of racism, idk, maybe somewhere between 20-60% of cops are racist in this nation. Probably a slightly higher % than the general population. This is so silly and embarrassing it hurts.

The "black experience of racism" doesn't exist. Because blacks are individuals. For many it's horrific, they've been killed due to it! For some it's trivial. To quote by memory the great John McWhorter (an extremely thoughtful Columbia U professor, public intellectual and writer for the Atlantic and democrat FWIW), "I never had to worry about the cops growing up (in Philadelphia)", and " racism to me feels like sometimes stepping into some gum on the sidewalk". Or the esteemed Glenn Loury, who grew up here in Chicago, who says it's absolutely ridiculous for elitest NYT writers to act as if they have any reason to feel unsafe because of editorial choices at the paper.

It's preposterous to try to assign a metric to a psychological experience, or the over or underestimation, of a group of tens of millions of people due to a trivial physical trait they share in common, even though we all know that tons of them, probably most, have experienced some real forms of racism, and many severe racism. Because not only are their external experiences different, their internal processing mechanisms are as well. Yet we have people like you or Lebron James or Joe Biden trying to act like black is sufficient to understand an individual's experience.

Regarding our other exchange, here are ny questions again. They are not rhetorical:

so police officers should just not believe imminent death threats by people that they have absolutely every reason to believe are willing to back it up?
(You had said death threats should not faze well trained cops)

What if he was threatening to kill his own children? Should they have just kept firing tasers and kept trying to wrestle him then? Should school shooters just be "assessed" and detained?

(If you don't think they are plausible notions, you either are ignorant of mental health and personal crisis or you don't know the reality of Jacob Blake as a 29 year old father of 6 wanted for felony domestic violence and sexual abuse who has multiple child support cases and who was, while already evading arrest for his felony warrants, trying to take the car from a woman who called the police on him. People in that situation can do or say anything. It's tragic. I understand because I spent nearly 10 years working in a level 1 trauma center and in criminal defense. - sneakers and streetwear
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#143 » by Jcool0 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:40 am

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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#144 » by Jcool0 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:43 am

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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#145 » by Shill » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:43 am

wonderboy2 wrote:
FecesOfDeath wrote:
wonderboy2 wrote:League of Circles I worked as a POC firefighter/EMT for 4 years. I’ve seen plenty of altercations of fights and scuffles between the police and Civilians. While we don’t know the whole story. You can tell by the people’s reaction that they felt he shouldn’t have been shot in the back. Also there are 4-5 police officers on the scene. That’s the perfect scenario for the police because you need 4-5 cops to successfully restrain a VIOLENT subject. The police are trained for each of them to grab a limb while the other cop is talking to the subject either telling him what’s happening or talking him down and trying to reason with the person. Now does it always work out smoothly? Hell no. But I have seen cops tackle guys or slam guys onto the ground and make arrest. I’ve seen cops on the ground wrestling with subjects, pinning them down without killing the person. Looking at that video the cop was in position to do a takedown or grab the guy before entering the car but was to scared to do so. Like I’ve said before the guy only looked about 150 pounds and if 3-5 cops can’t handle that situation without shooting a guy 7 times in the back then that’s a problem. Working on the ambulance my crew had to subdue much Bigger, aggressive guys than that and we did so without even having to pull out guns.

I have a feeling that after the George Floyd incident, pinning a suspect down is no longer an option for these LEOs.

I'm telling y'all, present day LEOs have to do their jobs with one hand tied behind each of their backs. The entire nation is watching them now.

Fecesofdeath I get what you are saying but like I’ve said I’ve seen cops pin down subjects without killing them. You don’t have to put a knee on a person one into pin them down. I’ve seen plenty of situations where cops had guys pinned on the ground and guys could not get up but could still breathe. It all goes back to training and the heart. Some cops don’t have the heart to do the job and are scared. Believe me I worked with some cops that i dont know how in the world why and how they became cops. They just aren’t cut out for the job.

No one is disputing that there are terrible cops out there.

You said earlier that people get caught up in statistics, but stats matter.

There are a million police interactions across the county. There are bound to be some bad interactions that get used to build narratives that are wildly out of step with the numbers.

I haven’t heard many reforms that would fix the problem of policing.

Demonizing the police while cutting funding and ridiculing anyone who joins the force isn’t going to attract more talent to the profession.

I’d like to see drug legalization, which would instantly cut down a significant portion of police interactions.

Non-violent drug offenders rotting in prison should come home.

Resources could then be diverted to better training, prevention, violent crimes, etc...

My problem is the narrative that it’s “open season” on black people and therefore society must be uprooted.
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#146 » by MrSparkle » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:44 am

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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#147 » by DASMACKDOWN » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:44 am

Jcool0 wrote:
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Wow that is huge. Even if its not all, that is still like cancelling the season.
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#148 » by dougthonus » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:44 am

musiqsoulchild wrote:Doug, let's take a step back together.

Define the problem for me...the way you see it. Where does it begin. And what is the end goal.

I believe the problem is economic and political power imbalance among specific minorities (with African Americans and HIspanics being the two biggest groups) and that the end goal is to gain economic and political power parity with other races.

I believe when those groups have proper political and economic power that many of these other problems would get dramatically better and fixing the economic situation is the fastest way to actually achieve results towards most of these other issues which I don't believe to be root causes.

And cops are not equivalent to a racial stereotype. The issue with Cops is that they abuse power and cut corners and take short cuts.

No, cops are not a racial stereotype, but making the statements of the form as "All cops are..." is grouping an extremely diverse group of people in a way together in a way that is unfair to probably 95%+ of them.

How many times have you seen a cop who puts on a siren just to get ahead in traffic?

How many times have I seen a <insert member of a group> do <insert bad thing here>?

Just formatting a statement this way shows your willingness to take an individual and define them by membership of a group that you believe (without real evidence) to have negative traits. That is the basis of racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other form of discrimination that exists. - links to the bullsbeat podcast
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#149 » by League Circles » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:46 am

HomoSapien wrote:
League Circles wrote:
HomoSapien wrote:
2. I would love for someone to explain how you could watch that video and come away with the conclusion that shooting Jacob Blake in the back seven times was the only way to stop him from slowly walking to his car.

Easy. First of all they didn't need to stop him from slowly walking to his car and in fact did not do so. They stopped him from reaching into his car. We have no idea if they had a valid reason to use lethal force or not because we don't have very much evidence. if he was threatening to kill people whether it was his own children or the police officers or some of the people around who included a woman who called the police on him who was quite possibly a woman that he was wanted for felony sexual assault and domestic abuse of, then it appears what transpired in that scenario was that they gave him until the absolute last possible second. They physically struggled with him on the other side of the vehicle they tried to tase him they pointed their guns at him and told him to stop he didn't stop he reached into the car and at the very last moment they use lethal Force to stop him. The reason they don't just run and tackle him is because that's almost certainly against training as it is just a very stupid. You do not get on the ground with your gun with a violent person who very well may take it away from you and use it on you. That person gives up their rights when they evade arrest which he was doing for an absolute fact. now of course there is the equally plausible scenario where he just said something along the lines of man you guys have no reason to stop me I'm getting out of here. If he said something like that then it appears the shooting was very much unjustified. we don't know and that's just a simple matter of fact. If you think it's important to round up or round down instead of waiting until we know more that's your prerogative. But it's just logically false to pretend like we know what happened.

Explain to me why 7 bullets to the back were needed to detain him? Is Jacob Blake Wolverine? Was he healing so quickly that the bullets were popping out of his body? Was he still moving slownly towards his car after 1 bullet? After 2? 3? 4? 5? 6?

Why didn’t they just tase or pepper spray him if he was resisting an arrest?

It's important to never shoot unless it's shooting to kill. if you shoot someone that doesn't deserve to die you are taking a severe risk of killing someone that doesn't deserve to die. That is unacceptable. people who have experience with firearms which includes many of us but excludes many of us as well understand that handguns are very difficult to shoot accurately especially in a high-stakes situations even at very close range. They also do not have that much firepower. It is also very possible for someone to sustained multiple gunshot wound to still be physically capable of returning fire at a lethal level.

They DID taze him! Read! They also had a physical altercation with him on the other side of the car Before the shots. All the shots were at the very last second I'm 95% sure, not as he was walking. They waited till the very last moment and took what they apparently thought was their only option when he left them with no other. We have no idea yet if they were correct in their assessment or if it was an unwarranted and horrific shooting. The devil is in the details, which we sadly don't know yet and may not. - sneakers and streetwear
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#150 » by jc23 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:48 am

bubble season is over imo, sounds like it was doomed to begin with.
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#151 » by Jcool0 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:50 am

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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#152 » by Dez » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:55 am

Jcool0 wrote:
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This where you're going down a slippery slope.

You cancel the playoffs, the league loses money, the teams lose money which leads to owners tightening their belts and the bottom rung of their employees who are already struggling losing their jobs.

I fully support the movement and the players but with Covid controlling the world at the moment this has potential for far greater consequences for more than the BLM.
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#153 » by FecesOfDeath » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:57 am

dougthonus wrote:
musiqsoulchild wrote:Doug, let's take a step back together.

Define the problem for me...the way you see it. Where does it begin. And what is the end goal.

I believe the problem is economic and political power imbalance among specific minorities (with African Americans and HIspanics being the two biggest groups) and that the end goal is to gain economic and political power parity with other races.

I believe when those groups have proper political and economic power that many of these other problems would get dramatically better and fixing the economic situation is the fastest way to actually achieve results towards most of these other issues which I don't believe to be root causes.

It's as if school choice, Opportunity Zones, permanent funding for HBCUs, and criminal justice reform for non-violent offenders were enacted to address this problem. All initiated by this country's perpetually-scrutinized and supposedly-racist President.
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#154 » by dougthonus » Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:57 am

Jcool0 wrote:
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Wow that is huge. Even if its not all, that is still like cancelling the season.

Bold move by those teams in standing up for what they believe. Good for them to take a stand for what they believe in. Will be interesting to see how the NBA manages this overall now. - links to the bullsbeat podcast
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#155 » by wonderboy2 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:03 am

Shill wrote:
wonderboy2 wrote:
FecesOfDeath wrote:
I have a feeling that after the George Floyd incident, pinning a suspect down is no longer an option for these LEOs.

I'm telling y'all, present day LEOs have to do their jobs with one hand tied behind each of their backs. The entire nation is watching them now.

Fecesofdeath I get what you are saying but like I’ve said I’ve seen cops pin down subjects without killing them. You don’t have to put a knee on a person one into pin them down. I’ve seen plenty of situations where cops had guys pinned on the ground and guys could not get up but could still breathe. It all goes back to training and the heart. Some cops don’t have the heart to do the job and are scared. Believe me I worked with some cops that i dont know how in the world why and how they became cops. They just aren’t cut out for the job.

No one is disputing that there are terrible cops out there.

You said earlier that people get caught up in statistics, but stats matter.

There are a million police interactions across the county. There are bound to be some bad interactions that get used to build narratives that are wildly out of step with the numbers.

I haven’t heard many reforms that would fix the problem of policing.

Demonizing the police while cutting funding and ridiculing anyone who joins the force isn’t going to attract more talent to the profession.

I’d like to see drug legalization, which would instantly cut down a significant portion of police interactions.

Non-violent drug offenders rotting in prison should come home.

Resources could then be diverted to better training, prevention, violent crimes, etc...

My problem is the narrative that it’s “open season” on black people and therefore society must be uprooted.

But here’s where the problem comes in. In the inner city it’s been open season on blacks for along time. And there are reason for it. One is because of the lack of consequences there are for police brutality. That’s why you see slot of the black players feel so strongly about it because if you grew up in poor neighborhoods or have family or friends that live in those neighborhoods they know that police can literally get away with murder. A lot of times in black communities the police might rough up a black kid and nonthing is done because that family don’t have the power, money or recourses to fight back and get help from lawyers or so forth. Believe it or not a lot of people who live in inner city communities are afraid as hell of the police. Because for the longest time they could beat you up if they wanted, they could pepper spray you if they wanted and you could not do a damn thing about it. Cameras has actually been crooked cops worst nightmare. I get the sence that majority of this board is from different countries or never had to work or live in the inner city, so it would be hard for people to understand. But just know life is different for people in certain neighborhoods in regards to the police. People think that the videos that they see of the police beating up or shooting a minority only happens once in a while. It’s a daily thing in some communities.
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#156 » by musiqsoulchild » Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:04 am

League Circles wrote:
musiqsoulchild wrote:
League Circles wrote:Worth noting there is no so-called black experience or white experience. Of course people share things in common but if you think that every black person has been feels they have been systematically oppressed by the police you're just factually incorrect. Youre also very much incorrect to think that that doesn't happen to white people sometimes. Especially young white males. I know I've been unfairly treated by the cops and so have a number of my friends, blacks and white. 4 of my closer friends got into a big serious fight in HS. The one white guy got a felony charge he's been hassled with his whole life. The black guy and the two hispanics got off.

Check out perspectives from some of my favorite intellectuals Glenn Loury and John McWhorter. As well as Colion Noir, Lil Wayne, etc.

I'm not suggesting in any way that everything is fine for black folks and that incredibly harmful racism by police hasn't been an enormous problem. But it's helpful to give scope and scale and to know that it's not all fine and dandy for whites with cops either.

Use percentages to quantify...otherwise it looms like you are talking on both sides.

Not actual facts...just a percentage look inside your thought process.

For example:

I believe 10 percent of Cops are racist. And that the Black experience of racism is over-indexing by x percent.

I'll extremely grudgingly give you my wild, completely irrelevant guesses as a gesture of good will in this discussion:

By my definition of racism, idk, maybe somewhere between 20-60% of cops are racist in this nation. Probably a slightly higher % than the general population. This is so silly and embarrassing it hurts.

The "black experience of racism" doesn't exist. Because blacks are individuals. For many it's horrific, they've been killed due to it! For some it's trivial. To quote by memory the great John McWhorter (an extremely thoughtful Columbia U professor, public intellectual and writer for the Atlantic and democrat FWIW), "I never had to worry about the cops growing up (in Philadelphia)", and " racism to me feels like sometimes stepping into some gum on the sidewalk". Or the esteemed Glenn Loury, who grew up here in Chicago, who says it's absolutely ridiculous for elitest NYT writers to act as if they have any reason to feel unsafe because of editorial choices at the paper.

It's preposterous to try to assign a metric to a psychological experience, or the over or underestimation, of a group of tens of millions of people due to a trivial physical trait they share in common, even though we all know that tons of them, probably most, have experienced some real forms of racism, and many severe racism. Because not only are their external experiences different, their internal processing mechanisms are as well. Yet we have people like you or Lebron James or Joe Biden trying to act like black is sufficient to understand an individual's experience.

Regarding our other exchange, here are ny questions again. They are not rhetorical:

so police officers should just not believe imminent death threats by people that they have absolutely every reason to believe are willing to back it up?
(You had said death threats should not faze well trained cops)

What if he was threatening to kill his own children? Should they have just kept firing tasers and kept trying to wrestle him then? Should school shooters just be "assessed" and detained?

(If you don't think they are plausible notions, you either are ignorant of mental health and personal crisis or you don't know the reality of Jacob Blake as a 29 year old father of 6 wanted for felony domestic violence and sexual abuse who has multiple child support cases and who was, while already evading arrest for his felony warrants, trying to take the car from a woman who called the police on him. People in that situation can do or say anything. It's tragic. I understand because I spent nearly 10 years working in a level 1 trauma center and in criminal defense.

This is what I think happened.

I think the cops had in the back of their mind that they didnt want to be on national TV when they stopped Blake.

That caused indecision.

Which caused them to be on national TV anyway.
I am saying THAT is incompetence.

And I am saying that because Wisconsin is a battleground state and massively important for Trump he immediately sent in the National Guard..even though the Governor opposed it.

And several police forces from around Wisconsin showed up.

Protesters threw Molotov cocktails. And were damaging several businesses.

An over eager kid got caught up in the mass hysteria and shot and killed someone.

Protesters followed him and have chase. He fell down and shot again. Twice.

Police didnt even touch him.

Meanwhile Kyle has crossed state boundaries with a weapon. And killed a person and shot 2 others.

Gross policing failure. Overall.
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#157 » by League Circles » Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:05 am

Lol at BY FAR the richest player leading a group a guys to risk their careers, economic livelihoods, and the future entertainment value of the league. Good for the other 28 teams' players not caving to his attempt to govern the league. - sneakers and streetwear
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#158 » by musiqsoulchild » Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:08 am

Dez wrote:
Jcool0 wrote:
Read on Twitter

This where you're going down a slippery slope.

You cancel the playoffs, the league loses money, the teams lose money which leads to owners tightening their belts and the bottom rung of their employees who are already struggling losing their jobs.

I fully support the movement and the players but with Covid controlling the world at the moment this has potential for far greater consequences for more than the BLM.

Can people protest because they actually feel pain?
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#159 » by League Circles » Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:11 am

musiqsoulchild wrote:
League Circles wrote:
musiqsoulchild wrote:
Use percentages to quantify...otherwise it looms like you are talking on both sides.

Not actual facts...just a percentage look inside your thought process.

For example:

I believe 10 percent of Cops are racist. And that the Black experience of racism is over-indexing by x percent.

I'll extremely grudgingly give you my wild, completely irrelevant guesses as a gesture of good will in this discussion:

By my definition of racism, idk, maybe somewhere between 20-60% of cops are racist in this nation. Probably a slightly higher % than the general population. This is so silly and embarrassing it hurts.

The "black experience of racism" doesn't exist. Because blacks are individuals. For many it's horrific, they've been killed due to it! For some it's trivial. To quote by memory the great John McWhorter (an extremely thoughtful Columbia U professor, public intellectual and writer for the Atlantic and democrat FWIW), "I never had to worry about the cops growing up (in Philadelphia)", and " racism to me feels like sometimes stepping into some gum on the sidewalk". Or the esteemed Glenn Loury, who grew up here in Chicago, who says it's absolutely ridiculous for elitest NYT writers to act as if they have any reason to feel unsafe because of editorial choices at the paper.

It's preposterous to try to assign a metric to a psychological experience, or the over or underestimation, of a group of tens of millions of people due to a trivial physical trait they share in common, even though we all know that tons of them, probably most, have experienced some real forms of racism, and many severe racism. Because not only are their external experiences different, their internal processing mechanisms are as well. Yet we have people like you or Lebron James or Joe Biden trying to act like black is sufficient to understand an individual's experience.

Regarding our other exchange, here are ny questions again. They are not rhetorical:

so police officers should just not believe imminent death threats by people that they have absolutely every reason to believe are willing to back it up?
(You had said death threats should not faze well trained cops)

What if he was threatening to kill his own children? Should they have just kept firing tasers and kept trying to wrestle him then? Should school shooters just be "assessed" and detained?

(If you don't think they are plausible notions, you either are ignorant of mental health and personal crisis or you don't know the reality of Jacob Blake as a 29 year old father of 6 wanted for felony domestic violence and sexual abuse who has multiple child support cases and who was, while already evading arrest for his felony warrants, trying to take the car from a woman who called the police on him. People in that situation can do or say anything. It's tragic. I understand because I spent nearly 10 years working in a level 1 trauma center and in criminal defense.

This is what I think happened.

I think the cops had in the back of their mind that they didnt want to be on national TV when they stopped Blake.

That caused indecision.

Which caused them to be on national TV anyway.
I am saying THAT is incompetence.

And I am saying that because Wisconsin is a battleground state and massively important for Trump he immediately sent in the National Guard..even though the Governor opposed it.

And several police forces from around Wisconsin showed up.

Protesters threw Molotov cocktails. And were damaging several businesses.

An over eager kid got caught up in the mass hysteria and shot and killed someone.

Protesters followed him and have chase. He fell down and shot again. Twice.

Police didnt even touch him.

Meanwhile Kyle has crossed state boundaries with a weapon. And killed a person and shot 2 others.

Gross policing failure. Overall.

Umm, yeah, may have been a big policing failure. In that other case that you're bringing up that I've been clear I don't know about and am not really interested in being distracted by while I'm trying to focus on Jacob Blake. - sneakers and streetwear
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Re: NBA games postponed today 

Post#160 » by Dez » Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:12 am

musiqsoulchild wrote:
Dez wrote:
Jcool0 wrote:
Read on Twitter

This where you're going down a slippery slope.

You cancel the playoffs, the league loses money, the teams lose money which leads to owners tightening their belts and the bottom rung of their employees who are already struggling losing their jobs.

I fully support the movement and the players but with Covid controlling the world at the moment this has potential for far greater consequences for more than the BLM.

Can people protest because they actually feel pain?

Not sure what you're getting at with this?

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