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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#201 » by canoner » Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:41 am

Fairview4Life wrote:
canoner wrote:There is a broad sense of sore losers. Many westerners are feeling the threat from Chinese, and they are very sore nowadays getting their behind kicked. Instead of getting up and doing something (such as working 40 hours a week, or allowing business on Sundays), French, Brits, and many other old Europeans only know how to whine and complain. It doesn't take a crystal ball to tell which direction their future is leading to.

What a load of crap. In a thread where you call Americans arrogant, no less. This isn't jealousy, or anti Chinese, or whatever other nonsense you're pushing now.

The 40 hours a week or no work on Sunday comment makes you look just as ignorant as the stereotypical/mythical Americans you've been passive aggressively insulting all thread.

Regarding old lazy europeans not working 40 hr/week, refer to

It is also widely known that French stores close on Sundays. Germany's store closing law, das Ladenschlussgesetz, requires all stores close by 8pm on weekdays, 4pm on Saturdays, and Sundays are only open to restaurant and gas stations. This is in addition to many small businesses and banks close for lunch break every day.

So what did I say wrong? Americans don't work as hard as Asians, but Europeans are even worse.
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#202 » by Posey H8er » Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:01 am

RockTHECasbah wrote:I'm going to summarize the arguments used by some:

1. Americans are dopers. Therefore, it is OK for the Chinese to cheat.

2. The best athlete won. (not necessarily, those gymnasts who didn't falsify their ages are beign left out)

3. Americans are sore losers. Bella Karolyi is a sore loser. (Again, it is irrelevant whether the cheaters placed 1st or 10th, it is still cheating. Furthermore, Bella was quite gracious and wanted the rules to be applied fairly)

4. Yang Yun confessed on STATE TELEVISION (OMG, nooooooo, who cares)

5. Yun wanted to compete so its ok, and much better than doping like those Americans and finishing 1st. (This is akin to me robbing a bank because I am poor, robbery is still robbery.)

6. China's anti-drug policy is working, while the United State's is not.

7. Being underaged may not be an advantage. (Who cares, a rule is a rule. It should apply to ALL or NONE.)

8. China doesn't create cheaters. They are perfect.

a) Bronze medals mean nothing to China.
b) If China can't win gold, they would rather lose with pride than use drugs. (does this mean, they would use drugs if they CAN win the gold?)
c) China doesn't want Yun to be ashamed for admitting her true age when she accomplished something (that meaningless bronze medal)

10. The people who unearthed the evidence are AMERICAN (OMG WTF they AREEEEEEEE??!?!?)

11. I trust the IOC, and the infalliable Chinese, despite documented lower ages and age changes.

All of this while maintaining no animosity towards the United States (which YOU claim), and who you brought up. These arguments are augmented by poor grammar.

I will add/adjust later.


I find it ironic that people like me are being called sore losers even though the real whining has been done by the Chinese supporters who have ZERO basis to their arguments besides "Americans are lazy!" and "They are fat!"

Oh yeah America became the strongest nation in the world from lazy people... :roll:
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#203 » by 5DOM » Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:09 am

add fat and old looking
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#204 » by Aventador » Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:47 am

nevermind that the US is slipping as the 'strongest nation' if u wanna discuss politics, but thats another discussion altogether.
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#205 » by manun » Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:58 am

RockTHECasbah wrote:I'm going to summarize the arguments used by some:

1. Americans are dopers. Therefore, it is OK for the Chinese to cheat.

2. The best athlete won. (not necessarily, those gymnasts who didn't falsify their ages are beign left out)

3. Americans are sore losers. Bella Karolyi is a sore loser. (Again, it is irrelevant whether the cheaters placed 1st or 10th, it is still cheating. Furthermore, Bella was quite gracious and wanted the rules to be applied fairly)

4. Yang Yun confessed on STATE TELEVISION (OMG, nooooooo, who cares)

5. Yun wanted to compete so its ok, and much better than doping like those Americans and finishing 1st. (This is akin to me robbing a bank because I am poor, robbery is still robbery.)

6. China's anti-drug policy is working, while the United State's is not.

7. Being underaged may not be an advantage. (Who cares, a rule is a rule. It should apply to ALL or NONE.)

8. China doesn't create cheaters. They are perfect.

a) Bronze medals mean nothing to China.
b) If China can't win gold, they would rather lose with pride than use drugs. (does this mean, they would use drugs if they CAN win the gold?)
c) China doesn't want Yun to be ashamed for admitting her true age when she accomplished something (that meaningless bronze medal)

10. The people who unearthed the evidence are AMERICAN (OMG WTF they AREEEEEEEE??!?!?)

11. I trust the IOC, and the infalliable Chinese, despite documented lower ages and age changes.

All of this while maintaining no animosity towards the United States (which YOU claim), and who you brought up. These arguments are augmented by poor grammar.

I will add/adjust later.

1. I never said cheating was okay, but if u call someone cheater u better prove it. Dont name call ppl, also who said cheating was okay. I said its pretty shameful that ppl cant accept a loss even thought evidence has pushed to chinese favor. Its funny that all evidence are from american journalist, but it has nothing to do with this.

2. The best athelete who didnt use drugs won, if you can find evidence they are underaged then by me guest but until then dont call ppl cheaters. So u want to call winners cheaters even when they play by the rulse? Whats next , u gonna call china a cheating country because they have the biggest pool of ppl?

3. I dont know about Bella Karolyi and i wont comment about it.

4. Yang Yun confessed, so she should be punished for being thrutful, remember china 8 years ago isnt the same china today. Why dont the americans dig into chinese laws and make sure she goes into jail and loses her medal, that way both partners would be happy. China learns their lesson to fiddle with ages and the same time they expose the cheaters that havent been proven guilty but they are cheaters anyway because google said so.

5. So Yun should have taken drugs and then competed? Its like saying robbing a candy store to a bank, its robbery but another degree. Like i said in previous post, TIMES journalist please dig into chinese laws and make sure she is punished cause she doesnt deserve to live because of what she did. She is so important i had to write about her twice in this post, chairman Mao must be crying in his grave to see her happy.

6. The anti drug policy for the olympics are working. U can see how many are caught before the olympics and compare, facts against facts

7. Still are they underaged? or are u gonna say Yang yun was underaged so every chinese must be underaged, heck yao might underaged seeing how he is engineered and everything.

8. America doesnt cheat, they are perfect. Same statment, how u gonna back that up? Until the gymnast have been caught its up to the jury, im suprised the american tendecy to crime ppl after the trial and not before.

9.a. Im pretty sure china wouldnt want to win gold and then hide about it and then make the athlete feel guilty and cry about it.
b, third time ive seen yun here, seems like u want to deprive her of everything she has. She made a mistake, so let it go. She broke the rules and hopefully we can learn something from it instead of blaming others for her mistakes.

write more later.

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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#206 » by RockTHECasbah » Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:23 am

1. The evidence points against the underaged gymnasts.

2. Again, you bring up drugs. There is evidence ("the corrupt IOC dismissed it" is not an excuse)

4. It is the job of the FIG to punish them, not the Americans (who you have an obsession with)

5. why the hell are you bringing up drugs? Did I say that doping is OK, or that she should dope to win, WTF? seriously, is English your tenth language or something? why is "so should she falsify her age or take drugs?" even an argument. Both are wrong and both should result in a disqualification. Learn to read.

6. Irrelevant to what we are discussing (you keep bringing up drugs again). I am only arguing this specific rule and didn't say that they weren't working, merely pointing out the irrelevance of your argument.

7. I didn't say anything about Yao, and I don't care for labelling everyone from a certain country. Yang's case proves that the Chinese gymnastics people have lied about ages in the past. This combined with the recorded evidence convinces many that she is underaged.

8. I have said that America HAS cheated, even though you were the one who made is a US/China issue. This is what YOU said: "China doesnt create cheaters, they support ppl that have dreams but only if they fight for it."

9. No, she broke the rules and went away unpunished, you seem to support that because she is Chinese. You also said that her bronze medal is meaningless (you deprived her of that value).

It is such a pain arguing with you, you bring up points that mask the issue (Americans/Chinese and drugs) and you fail to see that the Chinese government is not as truthful as you think. Furthermore, after saying that so are Swedish, you refer to the Chinese as "we." STOP bringing up irrelevant stuff to the topic. There is a rule. It should be fairly enforced. PERIOD.
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#207 » by RockTHECasbah » Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:30 am

Furthermore, you argue like a 12-year old. Right after I said I am Canadian, you say "so , I'm Swedish," like a child like it is a childish argument.
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#208 » by manun » Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:47 am

RockTHECasbah wrote:Furthermore, you argue like a 12-year old. Right after I said I am Canadian, you say "so , I'm Swedish," like a child like it is a childish argument.

Lol, i cant believe u said that. U said u were from canada like it wouldnt matter, like everyone that supported hitler was from germany. Churchill was a huge Hitler fan before he became too aggressive and to be honest some of the parts of hungary - austria wanted Hitler to take over them and they even had a parade when he came into the country.
Funny how u just said: Im from canada! Hey, look im from canada.

Like i said, there is no verdict until the judges have made their call. U keep saying the proof is there the proof is there, but i see no proof that is actually changing the final judgement.
So ur just gonna repost how Im an idiot and ur the smart one, lol.
Okay if ur so smart why did u attack my grammar? Im sorry i dont speak as well or write as well as u, but its childish when ppl attack on other ppls fourth language. I dont care how u write, if u can communicate then its acceptable. But lets go and attack personally and tell ppl whats right and wrong.
But if ur really smart get me to approve that the girls are underaged in anyway u want.
I can in one sentence sum of what I want to know: Are the found guilty?
Now u answer that.
Im saying Yun made a mistake and she even expressed it, im sure she know she did wrong but Yun is guilty i never said she wanst, but this is another case and u gotta look at it in a new way.
And the american/china bashing seem to be one sided eh ;), it seems like u keep bashing china whenever u get the chance. Be honest, what do u want with all those top 10 stuff u brought up, to show how evil china is and be ironic on my writing. even Dante could see La Divina Commedia wasnt actually a comedy in itself but his life.
But what do i know, im like a 12 year old so i shouldnt argue against u rite? U spall so wall and ur points are well documented like evidence that will bring the girl into shame for cheating.
Anyone wanna hook up the tv-show Cops on catching little girls that have yet to found guilty but is witch hunted already? It would probably be a top show in US seeing how much they want the girls to be guilty. Even the smallest voice and the one who can have rights to speak so please dont be so highty and mighty.
So im swedish but i still got an asian side , i cant be proud of any of my sides? What i know is to see the difference in right and wrong, and doping and underage is wrong but in different ways.
When did i say chinese goverment is truthful, they f*kin chased my family away from china, u think Mao was nice to everyone? How is this relevant to the thread, so please stfu and do like u say, dont bring irrelevant stuff like grammar, im 12 year old, that china is what i can only see with my blind eyes, how yan said she cheated, how im asian and shouldnt be contributing, how ur canadian and therefor get veto rights? Please.... :roll:

And i cant believe u couldnt see i was satiric about responding to ur top 10 points about how yang yun etc etc, let me break it down to u: i dont care if they are underaged or will lose the medal, what i care is that u atleast realise that they are NOT guilty right now. Whatever u write or try to bring up wont change the fact that they are innocent rite now.
At least i know where my knowledge goes and didnt comment on bella karolyi, cause i dont know the facts and wont bring it up.
If u havent noticed ive been doing exactly what uve been doin, name calling. Took u forever not to realise it, now u say u dont understand us but to be truthful u responded in exact manner as me, so ur reaction is okay but our isnt?

P.s, please forgive my grammar, ill try to learn ur language more. Ill make sure to actually read what i write because i put so much effort to write good. This is a sport forum, please man. :lol:
Do u actually think what we are writing would affect anyone? No one cares. CARES. U wont find more evidence or make ppl here will change the outcome, lets just chill and see what the outcome of the evidences will show.
Also ppl that write QFTW, like its contributing.
Im just gonna do what i planned in this olympics, even if there was underaged girls or not. Just enjoy something u cant see in four year and see the best atheletes in the world.

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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#209 » by Jaykoolzboy » Sun Aug 24, 2008 8:52 am

Man, I know this kinda of arguments will be here sooner or later, my two cents on this issue.
1. regarding to that under age issues, if anyone can proof it(with documents), then China cheats, if not I dun care about how that girl looks like physcially (Lebron Looks like 40 ever since his rookie year), they didnt cheat. However, from my understanding I won't be surprised that girl is somewhere under age.

2. I think if anything (this is from my personal understanding) China should be the last country that you can think of for using illegal substances to improve their game, why? because of the culture.
3. Please dun make it a political issue about China Vs USA, this is the Olympics, should we just have some beer and enjoy the game rather than make it another debate?
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#210 » by Blame Rasho » Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:47 am

Ireland just ROBBED by China in boxing... in a LHW boxing match... typical....
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#211 » by tha_rock220 » Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:30 am

Here's the thing. China admitted they couldn't put together a big medal haul in mainstream events like track, swimming, soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc though they did pick up a lot in gymnastics so they decided to concentrate on obscure events where no countries generally dominate and put their resources into those. I say sports like shooting and weightlifting should only go up to silver medals because almost nobody cares about them.
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#212 » by manun » Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:03 am

tha_rock220 wrote:Here's the thing. China admitted they couldn't put together a big medal haul in mainstream events like track, swimming, soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc though they did pick up a lot in gymnastics so they decided to concentrate on obscure events where no countries generally dominate and put their resources into those. I say sports like shooting and weightlifting should only go up to silver medals because almost nobody cares about them.

China really did? Can u please post the article about it cause it would intresting to read about it.
Eh, to be honest shooting is pretty big in america if im not mistaken.
Weightlifting is pretty famous thou, to my own shock its big in Germany, Russia, Bulgaria, Korea, Romania, China, Iran, Greece, Turkey and Armenia. Russia have europes biggest population along with germany then turkey, korea and iran are in top 5-10 population in asian countries. greece i think is top 10 in europe if im not mistaken
So its a pretty huge number still. ... r_Olympics

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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#213 » by Nuzzo » Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:29 am

manun wrote:[
Weightlifting is pretty famous thou...

Yes, but keep in mind that Greece, Bulgaria and Iran(and Turkey, but I'm not sure) got they weightlifters caught with doping.
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#214 » by dacher » Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:31 pm

tha_rock220 wrote: I say sports like shooting and weightlifting should only go up to silver medals because almost nobody cares about them.

That makes no sense. Every country with professional police and military have what amounts to professional marksmanship teams --> shooting teams. Every country in the world does weightlifting. Weightlifting is as basic a human physical activity as running.
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#215 » by RockTHECasbah » Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:47 pm

I only mentioned I was Canadian because you kept mentioning America like I was biased freak, even though they had nothing to do the issue. It wasn't a trump or veto card like your are trying to put into my mouth. I don't care were people are from as long as they are treated fairly.

And I don't bash the Chinese at every chance I get, and I don't bash the general Chinese people at all. (Bashing the government and sports federation is not something I do exclusively to China). You are making this political and biased. (Despite being hypocritical and doing the same to Americans and their 'arrogance', who effin' cares). There is an age rule and it was likely violated. You started going off on tangents about drugs, and honour, and Americans, like it pertained to the issue. The Chinese government does matter because they have no problem faking those "official" documents, that's all.

That "top 10" list you were referring was just a list of bad arguments, some based on tangents that you started going off on (not me). Argumentative and logical fallacies, if you will. Nothing to do with China itself. Making me seem anti-China is disingenuous, because I am not a racist am not nationalist when it comes to fairness.

And this isn't an America vs. China debate. YOU are trying to turn it into one. The only reason I am discussing the Chinese government and officials is to show that they have a bad track record. And if I were to make this a China vs. America debate, I wouldn't be one-sided. I have no problem villifying
the officials in Salt Lake City, American dopers. Should I start bringing up every country too? LIke those Russia dopers, or the Ukranian dopers, or those whatever dopers? You brought America into the issue and it is a fallacy.

Please don't use argumentative fallacies (like Yao being engineered, seriously WTF?) and hypocritical arguments (like I bash China, when I don't, but you do the same to the US... again, why to they even pertain to the issue), and arguments that I didn't use (I didn't bring up how they look). Just because some people who share the same view are anti-China, doesn't mean I am, so don't bring their incorrect viewpoints in line with mine.
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#216 » by Nuzzo » Sun Aug 24, 2008 12:56 pm

dacher wrote:That makes no sense. Every country with professional police and military have what amounts to professional marksmanship teams --> shooting teams. Every country in the world does weightlifting. .

They shoot with air rifles and pistols in most of the shoot disciplines, actually USA won its 2 golds in the disciplines that were with real rifles.
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#217 » by XcalibuR » Sun Aug 24, 2008 1:05 pm

tha_rock220 wrote:Here's the thing. China admitted they couldn't put together a big medal haul in mainstream events like track, swimming, soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc though they did pick up a lot in gymnastics so they decided to concentrate on obscure events where no countries generally dominate and put their resources into those. I say sports like shooting and weightlifting should only go up to silver medals because almost nobody cares about them.

and here comes the excuses.
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#218 » by Fairview4Life » Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:29 pm

canoner wrote:
Fairview4Life wrote:
canoner wrote:There is a broad sense of sore losers. Many westerners are feeling the threat from Chinese, and they are very sore nowadays getting their behind kicked. Instead of getting up and doing something (such as working 40 hours a week, or allowing business on Sundays), French, Brits, and many other old Europeans only know how to whine and complain. It doesn't take a crystal ball to tell which direction their future is leading to.

What a load of crap. In a thread where you call Americans arrogant, no less. This isn't jealousy, or anti Chinese, or whatever other nonsense you're pushing now.

The 40 hours a week or no work on Sunday comment makes you look just as ignorant as the stereotypical/mythical Americans you've been passive aggressively insulting all thread.

Regarding old lazy europeans not working 40 hr/week, refer to

It is also widely known that French stores close on Sundays. Germany's store closing law, das Ladenschlussgesetz, requires all stores close by 8pm on weekdays, 4pm on Saturdays, and Sundays are only open to restaurant and gas stations. This is in addition to many small businesses and banks close for lunch break every day.

So what did I say wrong? Americans don't work as hard as Asians, but Europeans are even worse. ... tries.html

Really? Are Greece, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, and Poland not in Europe? The US was ranked 9th in that list and Mexico 7th. Those nations are all on your wikipedia link too, in case it has been updated more recently.

So that's 7 of the top 9 being European nations, the US, and Mexico. Your ignorant stereotypical remarks about the hardworking Asian nations and lazy white people are far more offensive to me than any of the arrogance or jealousy you've been whining about all thread. Take your racism and shove it up your ass.
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#219 » by RockTHECasbah » Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:47 pm

funny how attacking the Chinese government, the IOC, the FIG, and the sports federations gets you labeled anti-Chinese, but you guys get away with bashing Americans, British, French, etc. like there's no tomorrow
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Re: Robbed?: post your complaints 

Post#220 » by RockTHECasbah » Sun Aug 24, 2008 3:04 pm

AND WHERE THE EFF DID I SAY THAT Yun should have taken drugs and competed, nor did I say that you were Asian that you shouldn't contribute

complete fabrications and argumentative fallacies
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