
OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread

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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#621 » by Buck Dweller » Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:25 am

Jez2983 wrote:
HaroldinGMinor wrote:
Mags FTW wrote:I’ll be signing up for my first Ironman as soon as they add smoking a half pack of Marb Lights to the course.

Anyone here own a treadmill? The wife and I are looking into getting one. What’s the most important feature? How much is a decent one that won’t mess up our joints? Do any come with an ashtray?

I don't know what your budget is but If you don't want to mess up your joints get an elliptical or something like that instead of a treadmill. Low impact.

It's looking like the traditional view that 'running increases joint degeneration' is crap. Can't be bothered looking now (!) but there is research is showing moderate amounts of running sees decreased inflammatory markers in joint synovial fluid. These markers are indicative of stuff that is linked to increased joint breakdown. Pretty nascent stuff but unsurprising. Body generally responds positively to stress of exercise - hypertrophy in muscles due to lifting weight for example.

Also finding long-term runners (20km per week) have larger discs in their lumbar spine with more fluid content, effectively negating the changes that normally happen to these discs as part of the aging process.

Do you have an opinion on the whole running on the balls of your feet vs. running on the heels thing?
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#622 » by Jez2983 » Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:17 am

Buck Dweller wrote:
Jez2983 wrote:
HaroldinGMinor wrote:
I don't know what your budget is but If you don't want to mess up your joints get an elliptical or something like that instead of a treadmill. Low impact.

It's looking like the traditional view that 'running increases joint degeneration' is crap. Can't be bothered looking now (!) but there is research is showing moderate amounts of running sees decreased inflammatory markers in joint synovial fluid. These markers are indicative of stuff that is linked to increased joint breakdown. Pretty nascent stuff but unsurprising. Body generally responds positively to stress of exercise - hypertrophy in muscles due to lifting weight for example.

Also finding long-term runners (20km per week) have larger discs in their lumbar spine with more fluid content, effectively negating the changes that normally happen to these discs as part of the aging process.

Do you have an opinion on the whole running on the balls of your feet vs. running on the heels thing?

Run comfortable! There is a massive 'forefoot is better because elite marathoners run this way' but I think 80% general population are rearfoot. Further to this lots of people change their strike pattern over the course of a marathon!!! So definitely horses for courses.
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#623 » by Jez2983 » Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:20 am

MrHoneycutt wrote:
Jez2983 wrote:
HaroldinGMinor wrote:
I don't know what your budget is but If you don't want to mess up your joints get an elliptical or something like that instead of a treadmill. Low impact.

It's looking like the traditional view that 'running increases joint degeneration' is crap. Can't be bothered looking now (!) but there is research is showing moderate amounts of running sees decreased inflammatory markers in joint synovial fluid. These markers are indicative of stuff that is linked to increased joint breakdown. Pretty nascent stuff but unsurprising. Body generally responds positively to stress of exercise - hypertrophy in muscles due to lifting weight for example.

Also finding long-term runners (20km per week) have larger discs in their lumbar spine with more fluid content, effectively negating the changes that normally happen to these discs as part of the aging process.

I'd love to hear more about this if you get the chance. I'd always been solidly in the camp of 'running ruins your joints' for years, and tried to focus more on hypertrophy and shorter burts of cardio. Particularly as someone who destroyed L5-S1 last year (thank you x 1 million, Dr. Stuart McGill), that's amazing regarding the research around long-term runners negating the disc problems associated with aging! I would never have guessed that in a million years.

In my thinking it's like the people who walk bare feet having thicker soles as the body sends more calcium to them as a response to the stress. I'll have to try and find the article. Early days with that research.
trwi7 wrote:Will be practicing my best Australian accent for tomorrow.

"Hey ya wankers. I graduated from Aranmore back in 2010 and lost me yearbook. Is there any way you didgeridoos can send anotha yearbook me way?"
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#624 » by jerrod » Tue Nov 5, 2019 6:51 pm

humanrefutation wrote:
Ill-yasova wrote:
humanrefutation wrote:Where's jerrod at? He still building brick houses?

Ha! I have him on my Facebook actually and I don’t see much about basketball on there. He has really gotten into soccer over the years though.

You should tell him to come back here. You don't go through years of Bucks misery only to bolt just as the Giannis reign takes shape!

I'm back! All those years of misery made me scared of success! I did get crazy into soccer but I still watch nearly every Bucks game, and my Girlfriend is an even bigger fan than I am.

Speaking of health and fitness though I'm kind of in a weird place. At the beginning of this thread i said i was at 195 (originally when i was in high school i was close to 300), by the fall of 2013 i was down to 182 right before i had jaw surgery which got me down to 172. Then when i regained the ability to chew i ended up as high as 230, now back to 195 and just getting serious about it again.

My main concern now is getting down to around 180 and leaner for soccer endurance and keeping my sprint speed. I'm 35 and honestly surprised I'm as fast as i am. I need to be smarter about it than just leg presses and calf raises and do actual core workouts. I generally get in about 5 soccer games a week so it's tricky to fit in workouts in between those.
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#625 » by humanrefutation » Tue Nov 5, 2019 6:53 pm

jerrod wrote:
humanrefutation wrote:
Ill-yasova wrote:Ha! I have him on my Facebook actually and I don’t see much about basketball on there. He has really gotten into soccer over the years though.

You should tell him to come back here. You don't go through years of Bucks misery only to bolt just as the Giannis reign takes shape!

I'm back! All those years of misery made me scared of success! I did get crazy into soccer but I still watch nearly every Bucks game, and my Girlfriend is an even bigger fan than I am.

Speaking of health and fitness though I'm kind of in a weird place. At the beginning of this thread i said i was at 195 (originally when i was in high school i was close to 300), by the fall of 2013 i was down to 182 right before i had jaw surgery which got me down to 172. Then when i regained the ability to chew i ended up as high as 230, now back to 195 and just getting serious about it again.

My main concern now is getting down to around 180 and leaner for soccer endurance and keeping my sprint speed. I'm 35 and honestly surprised I'm as fast as i am. I need to be smarter about it than just leg presses and calf raises and do actual core workouts. I generally get in about 5 soccer games a week so it's tricky to fit in workouts in between those.

Welcome back, man! How's the Lamar Jackson era treating you?
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#626 » by jerrod » Tue Nov 5, 2019 6:55 pm

humanrefutation wrote:
Welcome back, man! How's the Lamar Jackson era treating you?

:D Shockingly well! Although I'm mentally prepared for it to all come crashing down in an instant.
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#627 » by steger_3434 » Thu Nov 7, 2019 1:18 am

Completed my first Ironman this year. The following was my race report. Those that don’t know Ironman, it’s a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run all within cutoff time limits

The event that 20 weeks of training finally came to be. While it would have been nice to relax the entire weekend up until Sunday, there was way too much that I wanted to see in the Ironman village to rest. Most of the days were spent walking around, taking it in, and spending money!!

Saturday night we all were in agreement to try to get to bed early and get as good of a night of sleep as you can before a big event. Alarm was set for 3:45 so we could get ready and on the shuttle by 4:45 to get to transition when it opened at 5. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits, but nerves were definitely there. I've been checking the weather that entire week, and it wasn't really improving. There were decent size winds and the direction they were coming from was going to make this 2.4 mile swim really rough.

The bike tires get blown up, double check we have everything, get our wetsuits on and then it's a waiting game. The water is choppy as can be. So much that after I found out the the best pro female at this even said it's the worst swim conditions she's ever had in an event. We slowly make our way to the water and before you know it the timer beeps and in we go. As I"m swimming the first 400 yards I see people grabbing onto kayaks and calling it quits already. I just kept my swimming pace and carried on. Just kept swimming from one bouy to the next, swimming 500 yards at a time. When I made the final turn I had about 500 yards to go and this is when I started visualizing everything I needed to do to get ready for the bike. I finished the swim in 1:26 which was about 4 minutes faster than I had planned.

Ran to the wetsuit strippers, tried to take in the 1000's of fans cheering us on and then ran up the helix into the changing rooms. The volunteers were amazing. Grabbing my bike bag instantly, helping me put my bike clothes on and wishing me luck. I run out to my bike, carry it to bike out, and out I go on 112 miles of fun. Transition 1 took 11:10, about 4 minutes faster than I planned

I knew the first 15 miles I had to dial in my nutrition. I needed to get fluids in me and eat some food. I was on point. I'm not the fastest swimmer, but I am a good biker so I was blowing by people on the bike. In fact I'd say I had to have passed 500 people over these 112 miles and probably only was passed a dozen times.

Made it to the loop and up to Mount Horeb were the people were lining the streets cheering us on. I was feeling really good and was killing it with pace. Made it cross plains where the "3 bitches" are. These are 3 huge incline hills. I've trained on these a few times, but today they were filled with people, music, costumes, and party's. It was like I was in the tour de France. Finished this area, made it to Verona which was lined with people and then had to do it all over again as this bike route is a double loop. The second loop was just as good as the first. I was making sure I was drinking a ton of water between aid stations (the volunteers were awesome, I'd fly by around 18-23 mph and they'd hand off bottles without me stopping). Made it through the hills and the parties and at this point I was ready to head back. There was a fairly strong wind out of the east and the entire ride back (12 miles) would be into the wind and up some decent long hills). After 100 miles, those final 12 miles are a bear. Finally made it back to Madison and then had to ride UP the helix into transition. Ugh!! Just then it started to rain. Thankfully I wouldn't be biking in that, although a lot of other athletes would still be out there on the course. Finished in 6:10 for a 18.16 mph. I was hoping for a 6 hour bike, but wasn't too upset with this time. Not bad for 6000 feet of elevation gain.

A volunteer grabs my bike and I run into the T2 to to get ready for the run. Not nearly as much to do as I would be running in the clothes I biked in and only had to put my running shoes and bib on. T2 took 5:26. About 5 minutes faster than I was planning.

Now onto the run. Ugh, you mean you have to run a marathon after swimming 2.4 and biking 112? Thankfully I had a bunch of team members volunteering at the first aid station .75 miles in and they gave me a boost. My plan was to walk the aid stations (25 in total that are about .05 miles long) and run the rest of the course. That plan was carried out perfectly for the first 8 miles. Then I started to hit a wall. Mentally I was starting to get flustered. I was so tired and I still had 18.2 miles to go. My pace went from a 8:30 for the first 8 miles to a 9:30 and then to a 10. Like the bike, this is a double loop run course. So you started the second loop RIGHT AT THE FINISH LINE. So disheartening getting there and knowing you still have a HALF MARATHON left. The support on the course and the thousands of cheering fans gave me motivation, though. That and when I got to an aid station at mile 20 and a teammate said I was still about 1.5 miles in front of cori, who everyone knows we always try to beat each other. The problem was I was starting to cramp and I didn't have any salt left. Luckily with 4.5 miles to go I passed a teammate who was doing his first lap on the run who gave me some of his salt and water. Saved me otherewise the final 4.5 miles would have been all walking.

I made it back to state street with everyone lining the streets cheering us all on. Made the turn around the capital and then ran down the red carpet to cross that finish line and have Mike Reilly call me and Ironman. I get into the tent to grab some food and it started POURING rain out. Could I have been this lucky? I missed the rain on the bike and the run?

Final run time was 4:33 which was about 15-30 minutes slower than I wanted. But overall I finished in 12:27:42 and I was more than happy with that time.

Awesome experience. The support was great. Huge shoutout to everyone that was there. And those that can't I realized how many were following online as when I got to my phone I had about 30 text messages waiting for me.

Will I do this again? I don't know. Ask me in a few days when I don't walk like I"m 95 years old with prosthetic legs.

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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#628 » by emunney » Thu Nov 7, 2019 1:44 am

jerrod wrote:
humanrefutation wrote:
Ill-yasova wrote:Ha! I have him on my Facebook actually and I don’t see much about basketball on there. He has really gotten into soccer over the years though.

You should tell him to come back here. You don't go through years of Bucks misery only to bolt just as the Giannis reign takes shape!

I'm back! All those years of misery made me scared of success! I did get crazy into soccer but I still watch nearly every Bucks game, and my Girlfriend is an even bigger fan than I am.

Speaking of health and fitness though I'm kind of in a weird place. At the beginning of this thread i said i was at 195 (originally when i was in high school i was close to 300), by the fall of 2013 i was down to 182 right before i had jaw surgery which got me down to 172. Then when i regained the ability to chew i ended up as high as 230, now back to 195 and just getting serious about it again.

My main concern now is getting down to around 180 and leaner for soccer endurance and keeping my sprint speed. I'm 35 and honestly surprised I'm as fast as i am. I need to be smarter about it than just leg presses and calf raises and do actual core workouts. I generally get in about 5 soccer games a week so it's tricky to fit in workouts in between those.

My man had 10 lbs of jaw removed. Welcome back.
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#629 » by Jez2983 » Thu Nov 7, 2019 2:10 am

I'm not going to quote your whole post steger, just here to say well done. An absolute achievement, I'm in awe of your dedication and mental determination.
trwi7 wrote:Will be practicing my best Australian accent for tomorrow.

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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#630 » by steger_3434 » Thu Nov 7, 2019 2:16 am

Jez2983 wrote:I'm not going to quote your whole post steger, just here to say well done. An absolute achievement, I'm in awe of your dedication and mental determination.

Thanks!! Definitely the hardest individual thing I’ve done. The race wasn’t as bad as the countless hours spent training in the lakes, bike, and roads running

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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#631 » by Beorn » Thu Nov 7, 2019 2:01 pm

Holy ****, congrats!
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#632 » by jerrod » Thu Nov 7, 2019 5:05 pm

emunney wrote:
My man had 10 lbs of jaw removed. Welcome back.


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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#633 » by MartyConlonOnTheRun » Thu Nov 7, 2019 5:49 pm

steger_3434 wrote:Completed my first Ironman this year. The following was my race report. Those that don’t know Ironman, it’s a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run all within cutoff time limits

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Congrats! Great time on the marathon to finish.

I wish Iron Man's were more inclusive but between needing a decent bike (i did a tri-sprint on a hybrid and 80 year-old women were blowing by me....I would've at least kept pace on a decent bike) and the whole needing to know how to swim thing is kind of a deal breaker for me. Pretty much the ultimate endurance feat.
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#634 » by jimmybones » Thu Nov 7, 2019 6:12 pm

Buck Dweller wrote:
Jez2983 wrote:
HaroldinGMinor wrote:
I don't know what your budget is but If you don't want to mess up your joints get an elliptical or something like that instead of a treadmill. Low impact.

It's looking like the traditional view that 'running increases joint degeneration' is crap. Can't be bothered looking now (!) but there is research is showing moderate amounts of running sees decreased inflammatory markers in joint synovial fluid. These markers are indicative of stuff that is linked to increased joint breakdown. Pretty nascent stuff but unsurprising. Body generally responds positively to stress of exercise - hypertrophy in muscles due to lifting weight for example.

Also finding long-term runners (20km per week) have larger discs in their lumbar spine with more fluid content, effectively negating the changes that normally happen to these discs as part of the aging process.

Do you have an opinion on the whole running on the balls of your feet vs. running on the heels thing?

In general, balls of your feet for sprinting and more flat foot for distance running. The impact of landing on the balls of your feet during distance running is a recipe for shin splints. Landing more towards the heel and letting the foot "roll" into the ball/toes allows you to spread out the impact.
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#635 » by MartyConlonOnTheRun » Mon Apr 6, 2020 10:22 pm

What is the general attitude around here: Are people getting more or less fit during quarantine? Being able to eat healthy every meal, do random workouts during the day, and evening walks have me feeling good. Ironically, it's when beaches are closed and you can hang out with people.
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#636 » by ejn1214 » Tue Apr 7, 2020 5:31 am

MartyConlonOnTheRun wrote:What is the general attitude around here: Are people getting more or less fit during quarantine? Being able to eat healthy every meal, do random workouts during the day, and evening walks have me feeling good. Ironically, it's when beaches are closed and you can hang out with people.

Definitely less fit and I'm guessing that would be the general consensus. My main exercise is playing sports and running a bit at the gym. I typically grocery shop quite a bit and get fresh veges and fruit, but I don't want to be at the grocery store multiple times per week now. We have been trying to support local restaurants as well, which means going out way more than we used to, and that's definitely been hurting my weight. I usually sit around 180 and was creeping near 200, but that number gives me a kick in the balls so I'm back down to 190 and can lose weight pretty easily just based diet alone. I am still working full time though, so my work routine hasn't changed at all. I don't have much extra free time than normal, besides the fact I can't play sports or watch them.
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#637 » by Jez2983 » Tue Apr 7, 2020 9:55 am

MartyConlonOnTheRun wrote:What is the general attitude around here: Are people getting more or less fit during quarantine? Being able to eat healthy every meal, do random workouts during the day, and evening walks have me feeling good. Ironically, it's when beaches are closed and you can hang out with people.

The same. I run and luckily can use the gym at my work still out of hours. Walking more with kids and dogs I guess. I'm pretty lucky.
trwi7 wrote:Will be practicing my best Australian accent for tomorrow.

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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#638 » by KidA24 » Tue Apr 7, 2020 1:15 pm

MartyConlonOnTheRun wrote:What is the general attitude around here: Are people getting more or less fit during quarantine? Being able to eat healthy every meal, do random workouts during the day, and evening walks have me feeling good. Ironically, it's when beaches are closed and you can hang out with people.

I've been doing Yoga almost every day (just a 20 minute routine to start) to try to reclaim some of the flexibility that being a 40 year old man has stolen from me.

Things I've learned: My shoulders are weak as hell. My hamstrings are about a foot too short. My calves are actually made out of concrete.
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#639 » by talbert » Tue Apr 7, 2020 2:21 pm

I tried to buy a dumbell set yesterday and they're like toilet paper. Nowhere to be found.
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Re: OT | Official Fitness & Health Thread 

Post#640 » by Thunder Muscle » Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:46 pm

MartyConlonOnTheRun wrote:What is the general attitude around here: Are people getting more or less fit during quarantine? Being able to eat healthy every meal, do random workouts during the day, and evening walks have me feeling good. Ironically, it's when beaches are closed and you can hang out with people.

I've been doing well. I got the TB12 Method book for Christmas and have been using it as my bible to change habits. I've been great about increasing hydration, moderation when eating/incorporating more fruits/veggies, tracking sleep, pliability with rollers/spheres, slowly moving to resistance bands vs weights, etc. I've lost about 7% weight since 1/1. My body fat % is around 21% and want to get that to drop as I'm happy with my weight range. My lowest has been just under 20%. But I'm happy with some of the principles I've been able to incorporate and feel good.

However I tweaked my back and its led to a sciatic nerve issue which is slowing me up. I ran Friday afternoon, good timing, but in the evening bent over to pick something up and instant pain in glute and at times down leg. It sucks. Gonna try searching stretches as dont really want to go to doctor or chiropractor in the COVID landscape.

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