
Trade between Cleveland and Milwaukee

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Trade between Cleveland and Milwaukee 

Post#1 » by DowJones » Wed May 7, 2008 7:14 pm

I think the Bucks have 2 players that Cleveland could really use....Michael Redd and Mo Williams. I don't think Cleveland would want to add both of them, but I think the 2 teams could make a trade for 1 of those 2 players.

What type of package, a realistic one, would Milwaukee be looking for when it comes to Redd? What type of package would they want for Williams? Cleveland doesn't have much except tons of expiring contracts, a decent young big man in Varejao, and future first round picks. I know Milwaukee has a few bad contracts that they would like to give up as well.

Is there any way the 2 teams could make a deal for 1 of those 2 players? Is there anything that Cleveland has that you guys would even want?
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Post#2 » by LISTEN2JAZZ » Wed May 7, 2008 7:14 pm

A few of us would be interested in Redd+Gadzuric for expiring deals and draft picks. Others wouldn't go for that. Of course all opinions about the merits of a deal are colored by opinions on what other teams would be willing to offer, and we can only speculate as to how strong the market is.
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Re: Trade between Cleveland and Milwaukee 

Post#3 » by LUKE23 » Wed May 7, 2008 7:17 pm

DowJones wrote:I think the Bucks have 2 players that Cleveland could really use....Michael Redd and Mo Williams. I don't think Cleveland would want to add both of them, but I think the 2 teams could make a trade for 1 of those 2 players.

What type of package, a realistic one, would Milwaukee be looking for when it comes to Redd? What type of package would they want for Williams? Cleveland doesn't have much except tons of expiring contracts, a decent young big man in Varejao, and future first round picks. I know Milwaukee has a few bad contracts that they would like to give up as well.

Is there any way the 2 teams could make a deal for 1 of those 2 players? Is there anything that Cleveland has that you guys would even want?

I say this in all seriousness that the only player on the Cavs I would actually covet on the Bucks is LeBron. The rest of their roster is just yuck.

I can't even think of a deal for either off the top of my head, considering the Cavs pick 19th, would want a higher pick than that.
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Post#4 » by fam3381 » Wed May 7, 2008 7:32 pm

I'd take Varejao and one of their expirers (like Joe Smith) for Mo. I'd probably even prefer this to the Haslem deal because AV is a better rebounder and can guard both the 4/5. They're both BYC so you'd have to wait until after the draft, which also makes it harder to include their first-rounder if that was included.
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Post#5 » by LUKE23 » Wed May 7, 2008 7:37 pm

fam3381 wrote:I'd take Varejao and one of their expirers (like Joe Smith) for Mo. I'd probably even prefer this to the Haslem deal because AV is a better rebounder and can guard both the 4/5. They're both BYC so you'd have to wait until after the draft, which also makes it harder to include their first-rounder if that was included.

I think pretty much any deal I'd want from the Cavs would have to include their first.
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Post#6 » by paulpressey25 » Wed May 7, 2008 7:37 pm

Mo for Varajao and Gibson.

Redd for Varajao/Gibson/Cav's 2008 #1/Wally as filler
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Post#7 » by MajorDad » Wed May 7, 2008 7:41 pm

I would agree with the first poster - redd would make a great addition to the Cavs. i recall when redd was about to become a free agent, he gave strong considerations to joining Lebron and becoming a cav. however , some of the reasons redd said he wanted to remain a buck was that he was the man in milwaukee and he'd be a second banana in Cleveland and of course out of loyalty to the team that gave him a chance. blah blah blah. . and oh yes, the money was more in milwaukee as well. but we all know redd is not about the money.

Redd would be a trememndous improvement over Wally, and he could do what Reggie miller did for the pacers - stand there and shoot. I have to believe the cavs would covet redd.

But there's the problem. As luke said, there's nobody on the Cavs roster with the exception of lebron that the bucks would want. the bucks have Bogut, so they wouldn't want zman or the younger hairier version of zman.

The bucks need a point guard. The cavs have none. I wouldn't mind trading mo for gibson and then publicly stating gibson is a Sg, not a pg. and for that matter, so is MO. Mo is a great sg.

I do not want ben wallace or any of the other expiring contracts. it's not like the bucks would be able to use those contracts in trade or to save cap space to sign a free agent. it's not like if the Bucks traded redd for Wally and ben that the Clippers would trade brand to the bucks for Wally and ben.

the guy the bucks really need to trade for is kieth van horn before he officially retires. then we could trade him for a point guard like Andre miller.
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Post#8 » by fam3381 » Wed May 7, 2008 7:41 pm

Gibson would be S/T since he's a RFA, but I'd take him. He's never going to be great but I think he's a serviceable backup with good size and range.
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Post#9 » by LISTEN2JAZZ » Wed May 7, 2008 7:42 pm

paulpressey25 wrote:Mo for Varajao and Gibson.
I'm ok with that, but only if we draft a pg.
Redd for Varajao/Gibson/Cav's 2008 #1/Wally as filler
I would want to throw Gadz for Snow/Smith into that as well, to clean up our mess.
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Post#10 » by dolvs84 » Wed May 7, 2008 7:49 pm

The Cavs likely don't have the right players to make a major deal with the Bucks. If the Bucks are going to trade Redd and Mo they are going to need to get some decent value in return. Right now, the Cavs don't have much to offer besides some expiring deals in the next few years. I don't want to trade Redd or Mo and get back the expiring contracts of Ben Wallace or Wally's World. If the Cavs had a higher draft pick to put into a deal I would be more interested. I just don't see the Bucks and Hammond placing much value in the players Cavs would be hoping to deal.
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Post#11 » by Johnny Newman » Wed May 7, 2008 7:53 pm

adamcz wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

I would want to throw Gadz for Snow/Smith into that as well, to clean up our mess.
I agree with that. If Cavs want Redd they need to take Gadz in the package! Adam your a god!
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Post#12 » by lajes55 » Wed May 7, 2008 7:57 pm

I don't think Cleveland has enough to get Redd, but I think Mo/Gadz for Smith/Snow and the Cavs first could be good for both teams.
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Post#13 » by DowJones » Wed May 7, 2008 7:58 pm

I guess the issue is whether or not you want to get rid of Mo and/or Redd. If you don't, then there is nothing that the Cavs could do. If you do, I think Cleveland is one of the few teams that would want to make a deal.

I don't really see how the Bucks could get much value for Redd or Mo. I know you talk about a Howard for Redd swap, but that type of deal doesn't make sense for Dallas. What other deals are out there for Redd and Mo that Milwaukee fans would consider?
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Post#14 » by Johnny Newman » Wed May 7, 2008 8:12 pm

Cavs would be a ok trading partner in a 3 way possibly.
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Post#15 » by ReasonablySober » Wed May 7, 2008 8:27 pm

Redd for Wally and #19, and a 2010 pick works for me.
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Post#16 » by bucks59 » Wed May 7, 2008 10:34 pm

There might just have to include a third team to make this work. The Cavs are a great fit for Redd. He is from Ohio, had a lot of interest in them, and would be a great second fiddle to Lebron. I am not creative enough to think of good three team trades, but thats probably the only way the Cavs can make any deals.
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Post#17 » by Sigra » Thu May 8, 2008 9:39 am

Varejao, Pavlovic, Smith and their pick for Redd works for me
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Post#18 » by smauss » Thu May 8, 2008 1:34 pm

paulpressey25 wrote:Mo for Varajao and Gibson.

I'd do this!
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Post#19 » by pasting_monkeys » Fri May 9, 2008 4:33 am

Mo Williams, Gadzuric.


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Post#20 » by raferfenix » Fri May 9, 2008 6:59 am

Varajao would help us a lot next year, but I'm far from convinced we could sign him long term as some team will give him starters money and minutes. I'd love to have him involved in a 3 way deal though, since I bet some other teams would value him a whole lot more than even we would.

Especially if the cavs are trading him, I hope we could convince them to take Gadzuric as well as he would fill the Varajao role off the bench. Him, Joe Smith, and Eric Snow for Redd/Gadz might be the most we can hope for I think.

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