
The Problems with the Wizards

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The Problems with the Wizards 

Post#1 » by mcgradyming » Thu Jan 7, 2010 6:57 am

There's so much talent on this team, but that's the problem. In all honesty, there is just too much talent on the team, and too many egos. Too many people that are trying to get theirs, and there just aren't enough shots to pass around, so they don't pass.

Tonights game against Cleveland was a clear example of that as well as the San Antonio game. Almost every shot these teams take against us are either to the basket, or completely wide open. Even Big Z was standing in the corner knocking down 3's against us. And when you PERSONALLY know that Roger Mason is a deadly 3 point shooter, how do you just leave him open,, EVERYWHERE. And that's the difference between this team, and other teams. The Wizards have too many people trying to create their own shots, and trying to take as many shots as they can once they step on the floor.

Change #1

The problems won't be fixed until, Grunfeld decides to shed this team of shooters for some role players who are all around sound at the fundamentals. I'm not talking about Oberto, Stevenson, or Mcguire. These guys have no offensive capability whatsoever. Oberto misses open layups, doesn't have a single post move in his repetoire, and is just downright ugly. Stevenson shoots below 30% for crying outloud, and Mcguire, while his intentions and desire are up there, just doesn't have the talent. This team is dying for the Shane Battiers, Tayshaun Princes, and even Ron Artests. Someone who can guard the tough wing players, but also who isn't an offensive incompetent and can knock down a jumper if necessary.

Change #2

The Mike Miller and Randy Foye trade was a great thing, since we got Mike Miller. And signing Earl Boykins looks like a great thing, but in all honesty, Foye and Boykins are both players trying to get theres. Foye was knocking down a lot of tough jumpers tonight, as was Boykins, but they were extremely tough shots. Neither of these two have the court vision to be a real point guard, and can't run an offense. Foye takes iditotic shots from way deep, and I think thats why he shot around 40% last year with Minnesota. Boykins, while he brings energy and a good shooter, he is just helpless on pick and rolls such as when Jamison comes up and sets a pick, and then rolls, but a JJ Hickson with long arms is swarming Boykins so he can't make a pass. Plus, Boykins is a liability on defense. Numerous times Mo Williams and Delonte West (not extremely big PGs) were picking on Boykins down low which caused double teams to come over, and a great passing team like the Cavs will pick you apart and find the open guy like they did numerous times tonight.

So we need a true PG who can distribute the ball, not Foye, or Boykins, or Mike James. These guys have or will have promising careers scoring in double digits, but leading a team as a PG, no way. I'd much rather have an unselfish player (who can shoot, not Javaris Crittenton) bring the ball up. Too many times do I see Boykins just run down the court 1 v 3 and just pull up for the jumper, or Gilbert who just drives just to drive. Its good to have a Boykins or a Foye type coming off the bench to provide a spark offensively, but isn't that what Nick Young's job supposed to be?

Change #3

Brendan Haywood is a solid big man. He hustles, is somewhat agile, but lets be honest, he doesn't hustle back on defense and HES A BLACK HOLE. One time in todays game, the Cavs were on a fast break, and as the ball went by him, he just refused to run back... I don't think he's particularly smart either. He forces the ball up whenever he's inside, and if he's made his mind up, he's going up for the shot, the ball is not coming out of there. Very rarely will you see Brendan put the ball back out when he's started to take a dribble inside. Look at all the big men these days, they can finish around the basket which I totally believer Brendan can do, but big men these days can pass out of the post, which is a concept Brendan just hasn't grasped. Numerous times you'll see him put up ugly hook shots or whatever he does inside just because he's looking to get his shots in. He does have positives though in that he's a great offensive rebounder, but if he would just play smarter, we'd have a few extra possessions.

Change #4

Antawn Jamison has been with the team and puts up great numbers offensively, but lets be honest, he's no Dirk, but he sometimes tries real hard to be like him. Or at least, he hangs around the 3 point line just as much as Dirk does. Look, I think its time to let Jamison go. He's getting old, and to be honest, he can't play defense worth squat. When you have guys like JJ Hickson blowing by you in the post, you know you can't play defense. Its great that he can shoot, and I think we need a power forward who can stretch the floor and knock down long range jumpers, but he honestly has no post presence, and I honestly believe his shot selection is something to be questioned. He fires it up way too much from the corner without really setting his feet. Now I'm not sure if its his technique, but if you ever look at his feet sometimes when he shoots in a hurt, his feet are really close together with his right foot directly in front of his left. Now I'm not sure if this is true for everyone, but if I try to shoot like that, I have a pretty tough time. It just seems like to me, he takes a lot of unbalanced shots, and as a common theme on the team, he is rather reluctant to pass. lately, I've seen him make a couple of passes out of the paint as he drives, but still, it doesn't come with the frequency that should be there. More often than not, he gives his patented flip shot, makes a groan or a shout, and complains as to why there is no foul.

Change #5

Void Gil's contract. Im a die hard Gilbert fan, but to be honest, his theatrics and his contract aren't warranted given his play on the court. It just isn't. If the team was winning, and Gilbert was his normal self, then go ahead, be cocky and do blogs, and videos, and twitter, and gamble (no guns though), but right now, I don't think he should be doing anything but shooting FTs and knocking down mid range jump shots. He can still hit 3's, and still sometimes finish around the basket, but he can't knock down anything in between there. I think though, this team will definitely benefit from a real true PG who's not looking to score 30 points a game. You can be a good scorer and a good PG at the same time, and I thought Gilbert was turning the corner on that, but his shot selection is horrendous, and that kind of bad decision making is not what should be coming from your PG.

The foundations of this team should be Mike Miller, Nick Young, and Caron Butler. Mike Miller is probably my favorite player right now on the team, he can handle the ball, shoot real well, and is always looking to pass. Caron Butler while he hasn't made the greatest decisions this year and travels too much, has probably one of the best jab steps in the game, and has the ability to finish real well around the basket. He also is an above average defender which is another positive. The reason I like Nick Young is because he is a dynamic player. He gives you a sleepy look, but he is definitely the best player on the team that can create his own shot. He can knock down his open jumpers too, but his fadeaway is so clean, and I can see why Gil used to give him such high praise. The team is 8-4 when Nick plays 20+ minutes, which means the team is successful, when Nick is successful. Everyone else like Foye, Boykins, Jamison, Gilbert, and Haywood, need to go. Those guys should be able to bring the Wizards back some expiring contracts, a true PG like Kirk Hinrich, and hopefully some draft picks. I also hope we get rid of the likes of Mcguire, Crittenton, Oberto, and Deshawn Stevenson. Bring in the role players that we need, and supplement that with the draft. Sure this team will suffer through some heartaches, but the team needs to start over, but they should at least keep certain pieces, and I would like to keep Young, Miller, Butler, Blatche, and McGee, but everyone else in my mind should be shopped around for as much value as possible, and if they can't be traded for anything, just cut them. Acquire draft picks, acquire a point guard, acquire players who can play and are committed to defense, know their roles on the team, but still can knock down jumpers if needed to, and acquire expiring contracts.

Build the team through the draft, and hopefully a free agent splash one or two years down the road after we've gotten under the cap.
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Re: The Problems with the Wizards 

Post#2 » by dlts20 » Thu Jan 7, 2010 7:10 am

The trade looks horrible now no matter how good they play because we couldve had our PG in Rubio and took Blair in the 2nd round. Then we could now trade the big 3 and just rebuild with the young exciting guys. Starting lineup couldve been Rubio, NY, Dom, Blatche, and McGee while coming off the bench with Blair.
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Re: The Problems with the Wizards 

Post#3 » by 20MexicanosIn1Van » Thu Jan 7, 2010 7:40 am

dlts20 wrote:The trade looks horrible now no matter how good they play because we couldve had our PG in Rubio and took Blair in the 2nd round. Then we could now trade the big 3 and just rebuild with the young exciting guys. Starting lineup couldve been Rubio, NY, Dom, Blatche, and McGee while coming off the bench with Blair.

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Re: The Problems with the Wizards 

Post#4 » by verbal8 » Thu Jan 7, 2010 12:58 pm

dlts20 wrote:The trade looks horrible now no matter how good they play because we couldve had our PG in Rubio and took Blair in the 2nd round. Then we could now trade the big 3 and just rebuild with the young exciting guys. Starting lineup couldve been Rubio, NY, Dom, Blatche, and McGee while coming off the bench with Blair.

I agree with your point in general, but I doubt Rubio would have come over(except maybe to NY). However assuming Arenas was suspended a Haywood for Andre Miller trade would make a lot of sense for both teams. That would have given the Wizards a couple of years of a vet PG while Rubio is playing in Spain.

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