
Who are you? The Introduction Thread

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Who are you? The Introduction Thread 

Post#1 » by Crowned » Mon Apr 2, 2007 5:09 am

Who are you? How long have you been watching/playing hockey for? Who's your favourite team? Favourite player? Who do you think is going to win the cup? Introduce yourselves to fellow Leaf board posters.

I'll go first:

I'm Crowned ( :wink: ). I don't play too much hockey anymore, I do when I can. I played at a pretty high level for the majority of my playing career while growing up. I do some instructional work for some teams that request it once and awhile. I've played the game for about 12 years now, and have watched it for much longer. I grew up in a family that loves the Leafs, so I naturally followed along as well. My favourite team is obviously the Maple Leafs, but I do enjoy other teams as well. My favourite player is Vincent Lecavalier of the Tampa Bay Lightning, and has been for quite some time. The Stanley Cup? I'll wait until the regular season is over when the matchups are determined to make my predictions :P
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Post#2 » by MAS » Mon Apr 2, 2007 5:25 am

Alright I'll go second, I'm MAS, a lot of you guys know me already. I've been watching well... too long. I never played hockey because I got into sports too late, you know how it is when your older brother hates something, you hate it too for awhile. I currently work at the Hockey Hall of Fame where I am either up with Lord Stanley's Mug talking with fans, helping kids with the equipment in the interactive games, and at the exit making sure people have their hands stamped.

I'm obviously a Leaf fan but I just enjoy good hockey. My I have a few favorite players one of them for a certain attribute. First one is Mats Sundin for his leadership and loyalty, second one is Darcy Tucker for his passion and aggressiveness, and third one is Roberto Luongo for his pure skill. As for my Stanley Cup Prediction, I'm gonna go with what I said at the beginning of the year and say the San Jose Sharks.
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Post#3 » by Osiris » Mon Apr 2, 2007 5:31 am

I played hockey for a decade at a pretty competitive level before I broke my leg and moved on to other things.
Growing up in South Western Ontario made me a leaf fan - and my love for Felix Potvin will never die. Right now I'd have to say I'm a big Eric Staal fan, with Crosby prolly passing him on my list after what should be a good playoff run.

I also hold a dear place in my heart for any Leaf player to wear #10 (since it's the greatest number of all time) and Raycroft became more than just a good young goalie to me when I saw him rockin an homage to the Cat's mask on his own.

If you ever get me talking about hockey make sure to stop me before I get too far into those "If only I didn't break my leg stories"....they tend to happen. I'll also tend to talk about the NHL's glory days of the early 90's before the Devils went and ruined the league. If you ever feel like goading me into a good debate as to why this is and how it happened, I'm always game.

Edit: Since we seem to be tossing Cup predictions in here - I'm torn between Sharks and Sens. I'm like MAS that I'm mostly looking to enjoy good hockey - which is why you'll see me cheering for the Sens if they're the last Canadian team left.
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Post#4 » by moose man » Mon Apr 2, 2007 5:38 am

I'll go third I guess, make that 4th!
Most people call me moose, hence the board name moose man. I've played hockey all my life. Started when I was two, still going strong. Hopefully I keep going strong for years to come. I've played at a high level pretty much my whole life. In the summer when Im training for hockey, I usually spend my spare time helping out at various hockey schools. Hockey has been in my blood since I was born. Love every aspect about the game, can't watch or get enough of it.
My favorite team is the Calgary Flames. Like all the Canadian teams minus Edmonton for obvious reasons. Flames Fans are born to hate them much like Leafs fans are born to hate the Sens. I have a few favorite players. Jarome Iginla for his overall play, his all around game and his loyalty to this franchis even when we were cellar dwellers. Martin St. Louis for making it when every one said he couldn't and not only making it but making it big. Simon Gagne, Sidney Crosby and Daniel Briere for their overall Skill. Darcy Tucker for his attitude, passion and personality that he brings to the game of hockey. The Guy is an all around beauty.
As for my stanley cup favorite I'd have to say Nashville just because of their depth, fire power and goal tending.
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Post#5 » by Shantu » Mon Apr 2, 2007 12:14 pm

no time to chat, go leafs go!
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Post#6 » by RapsVC15 » Mon Apr 2, 2007 4:48 pm

Let's see, I've had quite a few screen names here. I started out as RapsVC15 (yes I know, lame), Vince got traded so I switched over to Hoffa ( :nonono: ) he got traded and I'm currently under the tj11 handle. Been watching hockey pretty much my whole life. Played in a couple house leagues in my time but I'm more of a road hockey guy. Favorite team is obviously the Leafs, even though the frustrate the hell out of us. Favorite player for me is probably Darcy Tucker, I love what he brings to the ice night in night out. All time? It's probably Gilmour. I'll go with Pittsburgh for my Stanley Cup prediction.
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Post#7 » by Andrea>Dirk » Mon Apr 2, 2007 9:06 pm

Andrea>Dirk...Been watching hockey/sports all my life...don't play hockey because I suck at skating but I play basketball at a very high level. Cup prediction from the pre-season was the Ducks and I'll stick with it.
Fav team obviously leafs. I don't really have favourite players although I enjoy watching the superstars play as they are all entertaining.
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Post#8 » by Amped » Tue Apr 3, 2007 4:11 am

Watching hockey for about 10 years. I follow the NHL and NBA. Sometimes Baseball, but mostly the NHL and the NBA. I have been watching and loving the Leafs since the Cujo days and that really made me into the Leaf fan I am. Even though they are sucking it up right now I still follow them, I really hate people who just jump to different teams every season.

I've never played hockey in a league before but road hockey is more my thing. If I had to choose another team then the Leafs, it would be the Penguins. I really think they are going to be a complete dynasty team in the next upcoming years with their core developing and being surrounded by more talent. I would have to say Sundin is my favorite player however if we are talking about the young players who are my favs (to have really good, bright futures) then I love Crosby, Ovechkin, Staal, Malkin, and Wellwood for the Leafs.

For the cup, I can't really decide right now, wait for the final standings.
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Post#9 » by Pchu » Tue Apr 3, 2007 5:54 pm

I am a long time Leaf Fan, and a huge Raptor fan.

Anyway, I still remember the first time I watched a hockey game in MLG in 1985. They were facing the Sabres, and Steve Thomas scored 2 goals including the overtime winner. It was an exciting game and I become a Leaf fan after that. I was 11 at that time and Steve Thomas was a personal hero and savior. (Ofcourse, the Leafs traded him shortly after that just to break my heart...I am getting used to it now...)

Anyway, there are too many Leaf memories to share, most of them weren't that good. The worst one was Gretzky scoring the overtime winner in game 6, and then dominated game 7 in MLG. I felt like someone ripping my heart out (twice in 3 days, very cruel).

Over the years, I have cool down on my enthusiasm for hockey, the games got worse, lots of traps, and no one can score anymore.

But I still do like the Leafs, and hope they do well, so I can see them winning Stanley in my life time.
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Post#10 » by Harold_and_Kumar » Tue Apr 3, 2007 8:41 pm

Die hard Leaf fan. Played travel hockey my entire life basically (5 - 19), and love to watch a Saturday Night Hockey game. Can't believe the stress I might possibly be under this Saturday night!

Love to watch, play and talk hockey! so lets go...

...(i also like long walks on the beach and eating ice cream)
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Post#11 » by The_Child_Prodigy » Tue Apr 3, 2007 9:25 pm

The names is Child_Prodigy, The_Child_Prodigy

I played a high class junior league before moving to the carribean where i caught hockey where i could. I have been a flames fan because I am a little Albertan and my family kind of rooted for them I grew up in Toronto before moving(Not a leafs fan)

Then I moved to Calgary and hence i am more flames smart.
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Post#12 » by GQStylin » Wed Apr 4, 2007 7:40 am

Hi, I'm GQ and I'm a recovering alcoholic.......errrr...I mean I'm a longtime Leafs fanatic and big time Raps fan and still a fairly big fan of the Jays.

I've never played any type of hockey beyond ball hockey, mainly because I can't skate and I'm fairly thin, so getting crushed into the boards isn't very appealing to me. :P

As for favorite players. I don't have a definitive favorite, but certainly Lemieux and Bure are up there. I'd have put Gretzky on this list, but I still haven't forgiven him for his play against the Leafs in the 93' conference finals. :evil: :evil: I still kinda hate him for that stupid bank off Dave Ellett's skate in game 7 for the series winning goal. :nonono:

For favorite Leaf, I'd have to give it to Dougie Gilmour though for the magic he helped create in 93' and 94'. He wasn't a Leaf for all that long, but the time he spent here were some of the best years to be a Leaf's fan.

I've been a Leafs fan for 27+ years now and they'll always be my team no matter what. I might bash them abit from time to time, but that's only because I want them to get better sooner and bring home the cup to where it belongs. :wink:
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Post#13 » by CPT » Thu Apr 5, 2007 1:45 am

I kinda stopped following hockey a few years ago as I got more and more into basketball, but I've always tried to keep an eye on my Leafs. They've been my team since I started watching hockey, and they always will be. (Personally, I disagree with the whole "cheer for whatever Canadian team is left" thing...if they aren't the Leafs, **** 'em...I really enjoyed being a dick when Carolina beat Edmonton last year, especially since I called the final score and Conn Smythe winner before the game, much to the chagrin of all the people who jumped on the Oilers bandwagon...that rant ended up much longer than I intended).

Never played organized ice hockey, and I kinda regret it, but I had lots of fun playing street hockey growing up.

I don't even know who my favourite player would be right now, but I was always a big fan of Theo Fleury. That little fukcer had heart coming out his ears. I think the reason I liked him might be because of an NHL Cool Shots (anyone else remember that?) episode that talked about how he had his arm run over by someone's skate, and was told he wouldn't be able to use it again, much less play hockey. My memory of it now is kinda hazy, but I remember thinking it was the coolest thing ever back then. Favourite Leaf was probably Felix Potvin, although I was partial to Gilmour and Clark as well. And more recently, Gary Roberts (I was hoping he would end up back with the Leafs this year, since we were obviously intent on making the playoffs...good thing he didn't land with the Sens though, he would have been dead to me. I like him with the Penguins). Favourite current Leaf would have to be Tucker.

The Leafs also hold the distinction of being the only sports team to ever make me cry :lol:. It was after they were eliminated by the Kings in '93. Just thought I'd throw that in there. It makes me feel like more of a hardcore fan, even though I really only follow the first month (before basketball starts) and the last month + playoffs.

My take on the current version of the Leafs is that they really need to suck for a few years to stockpile some young talent. I like their young players, but they need a young superstar, not a young nice 2nd line guy. Since the management won't let this happen, I don't always have the nicest things to say about the Leafs, but I'll always support the boys in the Blue and White, and if they are going for the playoffs, then dammit I'll be cheering for them, even if I think it's a step backwards, or lateral at best.
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Post#14 » by thebossman » Thu Apr 5, 2007 4:22 am

I am a Habs fan cuz well watching games with my dad made me a fan. The early 90's o boi, those were the days. But being born and raised in Toronto all my life you gotta have a spot for the leafs, and well i do, so im hoping TB and NYR go on a loosing streak, while the leafs and habs make it, haha the chance of that happening is not likily thou :(
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Post#15 » by CPT » Thu Apr 5, 2007 4:30 pm

thebossman wrote:I am a Habs fan cuz well watching games with my dad made me a fan. The early 90's o boi, those were the days. But being born and raised in Toronto all my life you gotta have a spot for the leafs, and well i do, so im hoping TB and NYR go on a loosing streak, while the leafs and habs make it, haha the chance of that happening is not likily thou :(

No Habs fans allowed. Seriously.

Are you a fan of both the Yankees and Red Sox too? Maybe Duke and North Carolina?
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Post#16 » by Raps_Swingman » Thu Apr 5, 2007 8:55 pm

Well Ive been playing hockey since I was 3. Played Jr hockey for 5 years and just recently finished playing. Ive been a Leaf fan since birth basically, but Im also a big San Jose Sharks fan(dont ask). I love that the Leafs have their own forum now.
That's what she said.

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