
Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V

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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#561 » by hands11 » Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:32 pm

Induveca wrote:
barelyawake wrote:Walmart not allowing unions has absolutely nothing to do with competing on a global market, and absolutely everything about how much the top gets paid. Your argument is a red herring used to shield guys who want ten helicopters (instead of eight). If more companies like Walmart paid their workers a livable wage and provided healthcare, the economy would recover much faster. But, honestly I've written huge posts about this, and I'm sick of the argument. Moving on...

It's not a red herring, not at all. It's reality, and one the American public needs to come to grips with quickly. US rate of production, for products which aspire to compete with foreign products, does not justify current US salaries, nor standard of living.

Here is the current situation (more or less) of US manufactured goods vs comparable Chinese goods

Cost of Production/Manufacturing/Wage of Widget in China = .80
Cost of Production/Manufacturing/Wage of Widget in America = 2.50

Currently, you're applying your argument to Wal-Mart, the largest importer of Chinese goods. Surely, they can withstand a reduction in their profit margin. I don't disagree at all. By all means, have the Fed investigate Wal-Mart and pass some legislation requiring brick and mortar companies importing x% of their goods from China to provide certain benefits to its workers. We agree completely.

However, the laws being bantered around do not in any shape or form apply only to such situations. These same laws will be applied to all companies, including the American based manufacturers who aspire to sell to the Wal-Marts of the world, but can't do so as they are already priced out of most markets. The same "liveable wage" and "healthcare" would put already reeling US based manufacturers out of business. Also, this approach, even if implemented correctly would only ensure the US is able to compete nationally, not internationally. In other words, China still dominates the rest of the world. I know for sure in the Dominican Republic, all hardware parts, pipes, and consumer products are 95% chinese. 20 years ago, they were 95% American.

New Equation with "better wages" and "healthcare" for companies not named WalMart.

Cost of Production/Manufacturing/Wage of Widget in China = .80
Cost of Production/Manufacturing/Wage of Widget in America = 3.50

How does this not worsen the core competitive issue? Wal-Mart sells huge amounts of Chinese goods because they are vastly cheaper, and allow them to operate their huge spiderweb of stores. I think you're aiming your blowhorn at the wrong issue, the issue isn't WalMart per se, it's the lack of competitively priced goods being manufactured inside the US.

The obvious "solution" would be to add a 150% import tax on imported Chinese goods to support the higher wage/healthcare/make the playing field more even. However that would result in a trade war, with Vietnamese/Indian/other SE Asian companies then undercutting China/US.

At the end of the day, what you're truly arguing for is isolationism. But hard to pay high wages when you have no one to sell your goods to.......oh, so let's just make a stop-gap and tax the rich. Because there is no real solution but a major correction of the US economy, and a new reality for the middle-class standard of living.

End of the day, the US is in for a major wake up call until the common American once again embraces blue-collar labor.

And this is what happens as you transition to a world economy. There will be adjustments as the equation tries to find a balance. I couldn't agree more that to many Americans expect to have to many things. Things they don't need to be happy. They would be happier focusing on their families and friends and living in a tighter community. But people where sold a message that everyone can have it all. There is a adjustment that will need to happen. To me, its all a part of the process we are going through as we have adjusted from single income homes where people were just happy to have a healthy family and one car to what people expect now. What in it for me. I want it all. I got get mine and have more then you. Its the message of the me generation.

But to that, it would help if the government would get back to doing the things it used to do that helped build that manufacturing economy. ie. invest in infrastructure and growing industries like oil and coal used to be. The government played in building that previous model. Now they are trying to do it again with green energy but the people that won the last round of this game don't won't to let go of the profit centers that got developed. The country needs to move forward and reinvent/invest. The last round of the game it over. Gotta rest and start a new round.

We can do it again. People just have to understand the partnership we have with the people, the peoples government and private industry. Its need to get back to be a healthier relationship and more in balance with mutual respect for all three pieces and their roles.
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#562 » by payitforward » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:06 am

popper wrote:payitforward - I have no doubt that if you and I went fist to fist we could work out our differences.

Aww, gosh, fella -- wouldn't it be simpler just to lay out the actual issues where you see "socialism" in Obama et. al.? No? It'd be simpler to have a fist-fight? Or...

popper wrote:I have numerous knife wounds on my body but look forward to whatever you have to offer. In fact, I invite you to meet me anywhere and anytime (I want witnesses so I don't go to jail). We can do fists (knives are cool too but it's illegal). Let me know.

For the record, I know you're not serious. In fact, in some odd way you're trying to lighten the tone between us. It's like when you transition to total outer space the earth and its issues look trivial, right?

popper wrote:Now for the reconstructed me - Lord forgive me for my sinful nature. Payitforward - I don't want to hit you just because we disagree. We'd probably get along just fine in normal circumstance. I disagree with you but I'm cool with your opinions and I have no doubt I can learn something from you if your drop the prideful stuff. Your challenges to my integrity however are cause for conflict and are difficult to ignore.

Dang! I was just starting to get into the mutual circus act frame of mind, and now here you go all sensible! :)

Of course we'd get along -- heck, I thought we were getting along already! As to my being "prideful" -- could you cite something that struck you along that line? That would help me see where I might have gone wrong. And on the "integrity" meme, I didn't challenge your integrity; I challenged you to talk about something specific rather than throwing around ideology-based accusations (viz. "socialism"). I don't see any issue of integrity.

...It's kind of nice to see a reference to fisticuffs, actually. I grew up in a bad Chicago neighborhood and learned to fight early. Had to. At one point I discovered that there were two kinds of guys: those who would throw a punch right at someone's face, and those who wouldn't. Being willing to, and being willing to do it first, meant that -- meek, weak, undersized intellectual that I was and am -- I won most fistfights.

But I'm too old to have any more. Much much older than you, for example. Maybe twice your age. In fact... you should feel ashamed of picking on a senior citizen like me! What weight gloves do you like to use, btw? I'm not messing up my knuckles in this ballyhoo!

And let me conclude by asking you why in heaven's name you think Barack Obama, a middle-of-the-road politician, is a socialist? Come on now, share. You know it's good for you.

Sorry about your knife wounds, btw. I hope they've all healed.
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#563 » by payitforward » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:20 am

Induveca wrote:...I'm purely preaching a self-reliant progressive mindset where you attack the day and give it 100%.

I don't agree with excessive government handouts. It makes people more reliant upon government instead of their own earning power.

That's not any party speaking just my own perspective on life. I think it was a mindset more common during American boom times. It's very much the mindset of China/Taiwan/South Korea today. Also much of the rising nations of South America.

Who could disagree w/ "a self-reliant progressive mindset?" There have been very few occasions when anyone wrote me a paycheck, for example; I've started several companies, been an active innovator in a few important technologies, etc.

But when you say "I don't agree with excessive government handouts", you're in a different space. For one thing, once you say "excessive" the important part of the discussion has been assumed in your own favor. For another, when you use the term "handout" you are "poisoning the wells" (to use the term from logic, debating, etc.). Is someone supposed to say "I'm for handouts, especially excessive ones!"

hands11 wrote:Advice I should have taken a long time ago. I did well with the company I am at but I also beat my head against the wall for way to long and so I wasted years I could have been learning a lot more then I have. Now I am somewhat institutionalized. Not as young and full of piss and vinegar as I once was.

As for the Pop and PIF dust up. Can't say I didn't see something coming. PIF was pocking at him pretty good. Pop was trying to be calm about it. I guess he reached him limit.

You know, Hands, you're kind of a twerp. Popper and I don't need your inane remarks. No surprise you beat your head against the wall; you beat it soft. No surprise you "could have been learning a lot more than (you) have" either, given how little you seem to know about anything.

Sorry you don't feel "full of piss and vinegar" man. I know what you are full of though. In truth, so do you.

All in good fun, amigo -- put your little hand in fire, and your little hand gets burned.
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#564 » by payitforward » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:31 am

popper wrote:
doclinkin wrote:
internet thug 4 lyfe popper wrote:i want a pony for christmas

Cut the crap. No place for that level of idiocy here. Really? That's your argument? That's so stupid. Waste of pixels. That garbage will get you banned from the site. Play nice. Hell I love a good argument, was enjoying the back and forth interplay and dust-up, but the high noon 'I'll meet you anywhere' digital-tough cliche is deeply ignorant and does nothing to extend the conversation, weakens all of your arguments when you fall back on it. Just blows a hole in your own 'integrity'. If 'pif' is being a pompous douche as usual ( :clown: ) well fine, laugh at it, move on. No need to devolve to grunting snorting and pawing the ground. If anything you make him look better. And that ain't easy.

You are right doclinkin. Apologies to the board and to payitforward.

Popper -- I replied a bit ago, before seeing the above.

I didn't take offense in the least! I have no problem w/ your passionate response, and it went w/o saying that it was tongue-in-cheek (as was my response to it). :naaa:

You know, this isn't 1995 any more. We've all been online a long time. :hug: Just because we get into a contretemps (@doclnkin, will you please define that term for Hands. Thanks), it doesn't mean a flame war is going to erupt. Not going to happen. :noway:

In fact, one day soon Popper is going to turn to discuss the issues, and it'll be a good thing. :argue:

As to you, doc, calling me a pompous douche, well I think of myself more along the lines of "a grinning idiot with a large vocabulary." "Pompous douche" makes me feel bad. I'm going to cry tonight, and then tomorrow I'm going to remind you of some of the guys you recommended the Wizards draft. That'll get you, that'll teach you -- you just wait! :rockon:
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#565 » by hands11 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:37 am

payitforward wrote:
Induveca wrote:...I'm purely preaching a self-reliant progressive mindset where you attack the day and give it 100%.

I don't agree with excessive government handouts. It makes people more reliant upon government instead of their own earning power.

That's not any party speaking just my own perspective on life. I think it was a mindset more common during American boom times. It's very much the mindset of China/Taiwan/South Korea today. Also much of the rising nations of South America.

Who could disagree w/ "a self-reliant progressive mindset?" There have been very few occasions when anyone wrote me a paycheck, for example; I've started several companies, been an active innovator in a few important technologies, etc.

But when you say "I don't agree with excessive government handouts", you're in a different space. For one thing, once you say "excessive" the important part of the discussion has been assumed in your own favor. For another, when you use the term "handout" you are "poisoning the wells" (to use the term from logic, debating, etc.). Is someone supposed to say "I'm for handouts, especially excessive ones!"

hands11 wrote:Advice I should have taken a long time ago. I did well with the company I am at but I also beat my head against the wall for way to long and so I wasted years I could have been learning a lot more then I have. Now I am somewhat institutionalized. Not as young and full of piss and vinegar as I once was.

As for the Pop and PIF dust up. Can't say I didn't see something coming. PIF was pocking at him pretty good. Pop was trying to be calm about it. I guess he reached him limit.

You know, Hands, you're kind of a twerp. Popper and I don't need your inane remarks. No surprise you beat your head against the wall; you beat it soft. No surprise you "could have been learning a lot more than (you) have" either, given how little you seem to know about anything.

Sorry you don't feel "full of piss and vinegar" man. I know what you are full of though. In truth, so do you.

All in good fun, amigo -- put your little hand in fire, and your little hand gets burned.

Lol. :lol:
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#566 » by payitforward » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:41 am

hands11 wrote:
payitforward wrote:
Induveca wrote:...I'm purely preaching a self-reliant progressive mindset where you attack the day and give it 100%.

I don't agree with excessive government handouts. It makes people more reliant upon government instead of their own earning power.

That's not any party speaking just my own perspective on life. I think it was a mindset more common during American boom times. It's very much the mindset of China/Taiwan/South Korea today. Also much of the rising nations of South America.

Who could disagree w/ "a self-reliant progressive mindset?" There have been very few occasions when anyone wrote me a paycheck, for example; I've started several companies, been an active innovator in a few important technologies, etc.

But when you say "I don't agree with excessive government handouts", you're in a different space. For one thing, once you say "excessive" the important part of the discussion has been assumed in your own favor. For another, when you use the term "handout" you are "poisoning the wells" (to use the term from logic, debating, etc.). Is someone supposed to say "I'm for handouts, especially excessive ones!"

hands11 wrote:Advice I should have taken a long time ago. I did well with the company I am at but I also beat my head against the wall for way to long and so I wasted years I could have been learning a lot more then I have. Now I am somewhat institutionalized. Not as young and full of piss and vinegar as I once was.

As for the Pop and PIF dust up. Can't say I didn't see something coming. PIF was pocking at him pretty good. Pop was trying to be calm about it. I guess he reached him limit.

You know, Hands, you're kind of a twerp. Popper and I don't need your inane remarks. No surprise you beat your head against the wall; you beat it soft. No surprise you "could have been learning a lot more than (you) have" either, given how little you seem to know about anything.

Sorry you don't feel "full of piss and vinegar" man. I know what you are full of though. In truth, so do you.

All in good fun, amigo -- put your little hand in fire, and your little hand gets burned.

Lol. :lol:

There you go! That's more like it!
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#567 » by Induveca » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:48 am

::drunken rambling::
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#568 » by hands11 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:50 am

Back to the real news.

So Simpson Bowles is getting talked about a bit more now that the election is over.. Just like I said it would :D

Still not convinced the Dems will do a deal instead of just letting the tax expenditures expire. I guess it depends on the deal that is being offered. No reason the Dems should settle so I could easily see a deal not getting done before the end of the year.

Also, the Senate filibuster issue is going to be huge. I get that the Rs don't want to see the rule change back to the old ways but really... what is the more constitutional conservative way to run the Senate. The way it was, or the way it is now that is totally broken. Where it could get really ugly is if the Dems go with the Nuclear option. This one issue is worth them doing it.

Once they change it back, I don't see it getting changed to the way it is now for a very long time if ever again. That means when Rs control the Senate, they will get the same advantage. They will be able to lead the house they have a majority in. Filibuster will return to be the special seldom used thing they once were. We would then get to finally see some debates on the Senate floor again with amendments. I used to love watching those but I can't recall see one worth watching in a very very long time.

Then we can gets some bipartisan bills passed from the senate again. Hey, the amendment process slows things down enough as it is. This Filibuster without actually doing stuff it total crap.

How did that get passed to being with ? I honestly need to do some research on that. What a mistake whichever side did it.
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#569 » by payitforward » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:19 am

Induveca wrote:PIF, you are that **** I used to employ with great ideas with zero
ability to execute...

And you're one of those driven guys who have made me a lot of money!

Induveca wrote:I will say, sincerely, you are a smart guy with value to the BASKETBALL portion of the board, but rewind it a bit.....or you're useless on this thread. Insulting 10 year vets may be fun, but it doesn't vibe with your intellectual vibe on certain threads. Hypocritical.

I was a hacker/troll with the best 10 years ago, just rings hollow now. And pathetic.

Not to worry. You'll get over it.

I tweaked hands w/ "twerp" because he tweaked me with "gnat" (on a basketball thread). He and I are square, and we can both handle it.

And, if it's ok w/ you, lets drop the discussion of "who you are" and "who I am" and so forth?
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#570 » by doclinkin » Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:31 am

payitforward wrote:As to you, doc, calling me a pompous douche, well I think of myself more along the lines of "a grinning idiot with a large vocabulary." "Pompous douche" makes me feel bad. I'm going to cry tonight, and then tomorrow I'm going to remind you of some of the guys you recommended the Wizards draft. That'll get you, that'll teach you -- you just wait!

Nah, pompous douche like the rest of us. The ''idiots" are on the Knicks board. And I'll believe the vocab part when you post some 'language' in the poem thread, :clown: Oskar.

Come on school us in something you actually know about!
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#571 » by Zonkerbl » Wed Nov 28, 2012 4:39 am

payitforward wrote: At one point I discovered that there were two kinds of guys: those who would throw a punch right at someone's face, and those who wouldn't. Being willing to, and being willing to do it first, meant that -- meek, weak, undersized intellectual that I was and am -- I won most fistfights.

Huh. I always assumed that... huh. Never thought about it that way. You know it is kind of funny how bullies will keep raggin on ya and raggin on ya and when you finally snap and haul off and pop them one they get all mad about it! Start cryin' and blubbering and yellin "You knocked out my tooth!"

It's like, "Dude, isn't that what you WANTED?"
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#572 » by montestewart » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:06 am

Zonkerbl wrote:
payitforward wrote: At one point I discovered that there were two kinds of guys: those who would throw a punch right at someone's face, and those who wouldn't. Being willing to, and being willing to do it first, meant that -- meek, weak, undersized intellectual that I was and am -- I won most fistfights.

Huh. I always assumed that... huh. Never thought about it that way. You know it is kind of funny how bullies will keep raggin on ya and raggin on ya and when you finally snap and haul off and pop them one they get all mad about it! Start cryin' and blubbering and yellin "You knocked out my tooth!"

It's like, "Dude, isn't that what you WANTED?"

For you young ones listening to this breathless calculation, don't be fooled by anecdotes. Many bully's will actually fight, pick on people they think they can beat, and once fighting usually have a lot a stake. The surprised look on that a-hole's face as your fist is coming at it may be the only satisfaction you get before you get your @$$ stomped.

If you don't end up stabbed or with a crushed skull or broken leg, maybe it's worth it, but by all means consider bully's size, apparent strength, visible rage, shortcomings upstairs and downstairs, and other relevant factors (lots of prison tats/served in paramilitary in Central America/quiet guy, kind of keeps to himself/G. Gordon Liddy/etc). It's OK to say, "Hey John Wayne, gotta go, Mary Tyler Moore's on."

Anyway, we should take this over to the combat sports thread or the men's health thread, or maybe the poetry thread. Or this attractive thread: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1216469
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#573 » by Zonkerbl » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:07 am

Well, if you're picking on someone my size, chances are you're a wuss.
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#574 » by montestewart » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:10 am

Remember, giant wusses could trip and fall and crush some of us.
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#575 » by popper » Wed Nov 28, 2012 2:11 pm

Scary article in the WSJ about the net present value of unfunded liabilities accruing under our entitlement programs. I wonder what percentage of the electorate is aware of our greek-like predicament. ... 87636.html
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#576 » by nate33 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:17 pm

Laffer's Curve in action:
Two-thirds of millionaires left Britain to avoid 50p tax rate
By Robert Winnett

In the 2009-10 tax year, more than 16,000 people declared an annual income of more than £1 million to HM Revenue and Customs. This number fell to just 6,000 after Gordon Brown introduced the new 50p top rate of income tax shortly before the last general election.

The figures have been seized upon by the Conservatives to claim that increasing the highest rate of tax actually led to a loss in revenues for the Government. It is believed that rich Britons moved abroad or took steps to avoid paying the new levy by reducing their taxable incomes.

George Osborne, the Chancellor, announced in the Budget earlier this year that the 50p top rate will be reduced to 45p from next April. Since the announcement, the number of people declaring annual incomes of more than £1 million has risen to 10,000. However, the number of million-pound earners is still far below the level recorded even at the height of the recession and financial crisis.

Last night, Harriet Baldwin, the Conservative MP who uncovered the latest figures, said: “Labour’s ideological tax hike led to a tax cull of millionaires. Far from raising funds, it actually cost the UK £7 billion in lost tax revenue. ... -rate.html
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#577 » by barelyawake » Wed Nov 28, 2012 5:55 pm

Indy, now you've gone too far. I call bullpucky. If you're allowed to liquid paper your post and replace it with "drunken rambling," then I'm allowed to take back 2/3rds of my posts for the exact same reason. Do you have any clue how often I post post-concert, and wake-up the next morning to find myself having to defend my pumpkin-beer induced drivel? You ought to be held to the same, rigorous standard.
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#578 » by fugop » Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:26 pm

Raising taxes in the middle of an economic crisis isn't ever a good thing. It's not going to be a good thing when we raise rates on the highest earners here in the near future. It is almost as bad as slashing spending programs -- it's generally contractionary policy. Austerity is idiotic, driven by an absurd obsession with the deficit.

That said, a reduction in reported millionaires at the beginning of an economic crisis shouldn't astonish anyone, and attributing it to a raise in tax rates seems hasty. I didn't see any evidence in the Telegraph article that it was tax avoidance, rather than a reduction in income, that was driving the drop off.
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#579 » by nate33 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:33 pm

fugop wrote:Raising taxes in the middle of an economic crisis isn't ever a good thing. It's not going to be a good thing when we raise rates on the highest earners here in the near future. It is almost as bad as slashing spending programs -- it's generally contractionary policy. Austerity is idiotic, driven by an absurd obsession with the deficit.

That said, a reduction in reported millionaires at the beginning of an economic crisis shouldn't astonish anyone, and attributing it to a raise in tax rates seems hasty. I didn't see any evidence in the Telegraph article that it was tax avoidance, rather than a reduction in income, that was driving the drop off.

C'mon fugop. In 2009/10, after the brunt of the recession, there were 16,000 millionaires. A year later, during the (albeit anemic) recovery, that number was cut to 6000. That's not the recession hurting income. It's millionaires hiding their money.
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Re: Political Roundtable Cosmic String of Cataclysm - Part V 

Post#580 » by popper » Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:38 pm

It's looking like there will be one of two possible outcomes to the immediate cliff issue.

1. Go over the cliff, pass a tax cut on the middle class in Jan., and then back to trench warfare on the debt ceiling and other tax and spend issues.

2. Pass the middle class tax cut before Jan 1, then go over the cliff, then trench warfare on the debt ceiling and other tax and spend issues.

I think it's gonna be a tough 2 or 3 months.

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