RealGM 2020 Top 100 Project: #68 (Alex English)

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Re: RealGM 2020 Top 100 Project: #68 

Post#21 » by sansterre » Wed Mar 10, 2021 8:18 pm

Owly wrote:
sansterre wrote:1. Vince Carter - I know, I know. I move on from one guy famous for scoring who never won anything onto a second guy famous for dunking who never won anything. I'm sorry. But, not kidding, I think Vince deserves some love. Instead of being voted in for his dunking (which I really could not care less about) let's appreciate this guy. We're talking a guy who is 15th all-time in minutes. From 2000-2007 he averaged a +5.1 OBPM over 21.6k minutes. But he's also got another 18k minutes averaging above a +2 OBPM. I'm not trying to brag about a +2 OBPM, but my point is that he was averaging +5 OBPM for almost a Bill-Sharman-career number of minutes, and then he went on to continue being a solid (but not great) offensive player for another wad of minutes comparable to Kawhi's entire career so far. That is *insane* levels of longevity. Let me put it another way: Carter played more career regular season minutes than Robert Parish. At his peak he was a solid volume scorer, with solid passing numbers and low turnovers. In fact, let's compare Vince (ages 23-28) to Kobe at the same ages:

Kobe: 33.0% Usage, 55.8% TS, 8.3% REB (3.5 OREB), 26.0% AST, 11.0% TO, +5.9 OBPM (450 games)
Vince: 30.7% Usage, 53.2% TS, 7.9% REB (5.2 OREB), 22.4% AST, 9.2% TO, +5.3 OBPM (410 games)

I'm not trying to say that Carter was Kobe-level during his peak. He wasn't. But he's in the same ballpark. And that's a massive credit, considering that a) we're in the mid-60s right now and b) Vince played another billion minutes after this. Let's check playoffs:

Kobe: 30.8% Usage, 52.5% TS, 6.9% REB (2.7 OREB), 22.6% AST, 11.1% TO, +4.6 OBPM
Vince: 29.9% Usage, 50.4% TS, 9.4% REB (7.6 OREB), 24.1% AST, 9.3% TO, +5.8 OBPM

"But," you may say, "that's all box-score metrics. His actual impact was worse, because we know that he was a selfish weasel." But his WOWYR, while not great, is a respectable +3.5 (and that's over an 11-year peak), which is about average for the players being mentioned now. And AuRPM actually quite likes him. From 2000 to 2017 he put up the following number of seasons in each range:

+5s: 4
+4s: 4
+3s: 3
+2s: 4
+1s: 2

None of those are bonkers seasons, but that is a buttload of career value. And his numbers don't appreciably slip in the playoffs. He had a strong (but not dominant peak), and then put up buckets (literally and figuratively) of value in the rest of his career. Let's give this guy some love.

2. Rasheed Wallace - I was shocked to have Rasheed jump leaps and bounds over everyone besides McGrady. Pretty much every metric really, really likes him. VORP (which punishes inefficient scoring) only has him slightly above average for this group, but he has the 3rd highest WSCORP and 2nd highest BPCorp. His PIPMCORP is really good, and his WOWYR of +6.0 is the highest of anyone remaining by a good margin (unless you're counting Bill Walton or Sidney Moncrief). So all the box-score driven metrics think fairly well of him, but the impact metrics think he's even better. Don't forget that he had a habit of showing up on teams that were way better than they seemingly should have been, from the '00 Blazers to the '04-05 Pistons. And also let's point out that the '04 Pistons switched from very good to murderous the second they acquired Rasheed. I'm very comfortable with him being here.

3. Larry Nance - Don't laugh. I know that nobody else has mentioned him (except for TRex bringing his name up to me). But I'm telling you, Larry Nance was considerably better than you think. You know that Bill James observation that people like players who do one thing historically well more than players who are quite good at everything (Lou Brock vs. Ron Santo is a good example - Santo was miles better, but Brock was more historically notable). Anyhow. This applies to Nance particularly. He was an athletic 6'10" power forward who played strong defense. He consistently posted strong defensive stats (Block% above 3.5 and Steal% above 1 for much of his career) and pretty much every metric we have (which are, in fairness, mostly box score driven) really like his defense. But he was no Hakeem or Ewing. He was merely an unusually good defending 4. He also rebounded well, averaging 13+% TRB for most of his career, but he was never great. Just quite good. Passing/ball control? His turnover were low for a big, and his assists were in the "not a liability, but definitely not strong" for a big. His scoring? His usage rate was rarely higher than 22%, and his PP75 were never much above 21-22%. But his efficiency was exceptional, posting seven different seasons with an rTS% above +5, and four above +6. You know who his statistical (not play style, just statistical) comp is? Kevin McHale.

McHale: 30.1k minutes, 22.4% usage, +6.7 rTS, 13.2% Reb, 8.1% Ast, 11.7% TO, 0.6% Stl, 3.2% Blk, +2.4 / +0.1 / +2.5
Nance: 30.7k minutes, 20.6% usage, +4.9 rTS, 13.6% Reb, 11.8% Ast, 11.3% TO, 1.4% Stl, 3.8% Blk, +2.3 / +1.4 / +3.6

They're comparable as rebounders. As passers Nance has a small edge. McHale is clearly the better scorer but Nance (according to box score metrics) was the notably better defender. Now, I'll be the first to admit that McHale's defense is underestimated by DBPM. I'm not trying to suggest that Nance was the better defender necessarily. But if I said "Picture McHale, slightly worse scorer, comparable defender and slightly better passer" . . . that's a pretty good player, right? And I'll stipulate that McHale's scoring took a jump in the postseason where Nance's didn't, but still. McHale got in a while ago. And it's worth mentioning that McHale's WOWYR numbers are fairly humdrum (+3.6 prime) compared to Nance's +5.1 prime.

So if Nance was so good, why is nobody talking about him? Because his teams never won. He was dominant on a series of decent Phoenix teams, and then they traded Nance and immediately took off. That may sound like a bad look for Nance but Phoenix got a haul for him. They basically got West and Corbin (their quality defensive bigs for the next five years) and Dan Majerle while replacing Nance with free agent Tom Chambers. Both teams got what they needed. And in Nance's twilight years (where he was still very good) his Cavs were quite good, breaking 50+ wins several times. But he was never on a team that made the Finals. And frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. Nance was an excellent all-around player that both impact metrics (WOWYR) and box score metrics think very well of.

Carter > R.Wallace > Nance > B.Wallace > Grant > Marion > Unseld > Moncrief > Bosh > A.Hardaway > Parker > Issel > Giannis > Greer > Wilkins > Worthy > B.Jones > Walton > Rodman > Jokic > English > McAdoo

You might be underselling Nance. The assist percentage gap undersells the passing gap slightly with McHale's greater usage inflating his assist % slightly and McHale's better teammates to pass to and Nance's clearly superior A:T ratio also suggest Nance as the better passer. McHale's DBPM probably underrates him otoh because of the lesser passing, but there is also talk circa '89 of the accolades overrating him at that point (i.e. a bit of the Kobe ... he's and established good defender, lets vote him).

In the trade you note, you don't explicitly mention the about to explode KJ as the primary piece in addition to the 3 quality players (especially defensively) that come.

The Rick Barry books have him as a very good "pro" for intangibles too.

It's certainly not crazy, imo, I was mentioning him in the no. 60 thread back in '14 and he got in at 73 (81 in '17).

All good points.

I'm trying not to overplay it, because I honestly know pretty little about Nance besides what I was finding. But from my research he really looks like one of those standard "really good at most things, great at nothing, played for teams that never won anything" brand of underrated.

But when you're pushing a player you don't know very well it can get awkward to come on too strong, you know?

Either way, thanks for reassuring me that I'm not crazy.
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Re: RealGM 2020 Top 100 Project: #68 

Post#22 » by Drygon » Wed Mar 10, 2021 9:38 pm

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Re: RealGM 2020 Top 100 Project: #68 

Post#23 » by Cavsfansince84 » Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:36 pm

sansterre wrote:
I'm trying not to overplay it, because I honestly know pretty little about Nance besides what I was finding. But from my research he really looks like one of those standard "really good at most things, great at nothing, played for teams that never won anything" brand of underrated.

But when you're pushing a player you don't know very well it can get awkward to come on too strong, you know?

Either way, thanks for reassuring me that I'm not crazy.

As someone who watched a lot of Cavs games in the 89-94 years I liked Nance. He fit in very well on those teams and was sort of a quiet guy you could tell got along with everyone. He had a solid mid range jump shot and seemed to have pretty good awareness with the ball. He could do a lot of things well though I would say maybe a bit too passive with his shot but the Cavs had a very balanced offense. I wouldn't say great defensively but he could block shots. I'd also say he played on teams that did win which is different from being on bad teams when people say he didn't win anything. I mean only one team per year gets to win the title so I think there's a major difference in a guy playing on a 57 win team as opposed to a 40 win team.
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Re: RealGM 2020 Top 100 Project: #68 

Post#24 » by Cavsfansince84 » Wed Mar 10, 2021 10:42 pm

68. Alex English
-Nice combo of size, athleticism and scoring skills. Good length of prime and leading or co leading teams that were somewhat competitive(usually 1st or 2nd rd exits). 3x all nba 2nd team. 6x top 15 in mvp voting. 23rd all time scorer on 103 ts+ for career(1.5% above league average).

69. Hal Greer
-7x all nba 2nd team. 9-10 year prime where he is between 20-23ppg on very good efficiency(ts+ between 103 and 106) while being a + defender. Many high scoring playoff runs including the 67 title Sixers that he led in playoff scoring(27.7ppg).

70. Giannis Antetokounmpo
-Perhaps the highest peak of any player left(along with Walton and Jokic) and I am very reserved on ranking any player whose prime is in the 3-5 year range but he's been at such a high level for the last 2.5 seasons with another 2 strong seasons prior that I have to rank him here. Just an all around unstoppable type of player who I think could do very well in a reduced usage role as well.

69. Wilkins
70. Carter
71. Parker
72. Unseld
73. Jones
74. McAdoo
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Re: RealGM 2020 Top 100 Project: #68 

Post#25 » by Clyde Frazier » Thu Mar 11, 2021 12:19 am

Drygon wrote:Vince Carter

If you want to vote in the project, you need to vote for 3 players and at least provide reasoning for your first vote. You also need to provide a ranking for other players gaining traction who aren't in your top 3.

You might need to vote in a few threads before your vote counts, but maybe not since we could use the votes. That will be up to trex who's running the project.

trex_8063 wrote: --
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Re: RealGM 2020 Top 100 Project: #68 

Post#26 » by Clyde Frazier » Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:05 pm

Vote 1 - Alex English
Vote 2 - Bob McAdoo
Vote 3 - Wes Unseld

The Rest

Bobby Jones

I came away really impressed with english's versatility as a scorer, and still brought an all around skill set to the table. He was about as consistent as anyone at a high volume for a long time (26.9 PPG on 55.7% TS from 81-89). During that span he only missed a total of 5 games, and his playoff production was similarly impressive. In his 85 WCF run, he put up a valiant effort against the eventual champion 62-20 lakers, posting 30.3 PPG, 6.5 RPG, 4.3 APG on 57.3% TS and 119 ORtg.
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Re: RealGM 2020 Top 100 Project: #68 

Post#27 » by trex_8063 » Thu Mar 11, 2021 3:14 pm

Thru post #26:

Alex English - 4 (Cavsfansince84, Clyde Frazier, Hal14, penbeast0)
Vince Carter - 2 (Joao Saraiva, sansterre)
Wes Unseld - 1 (trex_8063)
Bill Walton - 1 (HeartBreakKid)
Tony Parker - 1 (Odinn21)
Giannis Antetokounmpo - 1 (Dutchball97)

10 votes requires 6 for majority, so the bottom four are first eliminated. It transfers one vote to Carter, ghosts the other three....

English - 4
Carter - 3
(ghosted) - 3

So English would become a non-majority default winner, which much be validated via COndorcet. Two of the ghosted votes (HBK and Dutchball97) have Carter ranked above English, the other (Odinn21) has listed English ahead, making Condorcet a 5-5 tie.
But as per protocol, a default winner does NOT have to beat other finalists via Condorcet.....he merely cannot lose if a runoff is to be avoided.

So English takes this spot by the narrowest of margins [and the beasts of the world rejoiced :)]. I'll get the next up....

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Re: RealGM 2020 Top 100 Project: #68 

Post#28 » by AEnigma » Mon May 6, 2024 7:34 pm

Revisiting this upon completion of the 2023 project update. A few players dropped somewhat steeply: Wilkins dropped twenty spots, Bosh probably would have dropped around twenty spots, and Greer and Hill dropped at least twenty spots.

But Alex English, listed here in the 2020 project at #68, has barely received a 2023 mention outside of myself passively doing so.

Now, different voting base/method and all that, but there are two notable overlaps who had supported him previously and were primarily responsible for his 2020 ranking:
penbeast0 wrote:1. Alex English -- Versatility, consistency, and character put English over the likes of Dantley, Nique, Tmac, etc. English played many roles and always made his teams better no matter what role Denver played him in. He was a solid 35-30ppg scorer at above average efficiency for a full decade. In the 1980s he scored more points than Larry Bird, Dominique Wilkens, Adrian Dantley, Isiah Thomas, Moses Malone, or well, anyone. And he did it while generally guarding the better of the opponents starting forwards in the era of the great scoring forwards. From watching him, I have him as the only above average defender among the killer lineup of great scoring fowards of his era (Bird, Gervin, Nique, AD, King, Aquirre). One of the most underrated players in history. Also won numerous citizenship awards, one of the great people to play the game.

2. Bobby Jones, another English type player with super consistency and versatility though a defensive star instead of an offensive one, then maybe Parish. Note that Jones has more 1st team All-Defense teams than any other player in history with 11 (2 ABA). He was 1st All-Defense team every year of his career until his final one where he was 2nd team.

3. Giannis -- Highest prime left outside of Walton but more than 1.5 seasons as a star plus 1 as a reserve, doesn't have the multiple years of hurting his team due to salary/injury.

After Giannis, then Unseld, Mourning, Rodman, Thurmond, Carter, Parker, Nique, Moncrief, Hawkins. Those are subject to change and new players to be added.
Clyde Frazier wrote:Vote 1 - Alex English
Vote 2 - Bob McAdoo
Vote 3 - Wes Unseld

The Rest

Bobby Jones

I came away really impressed with english's versatility as a scorer, and still brought an all around skill set to the table. He was about as consistent as anyone at a high volume for a long time (26.9 PPG on 55.7% TS from 81-89). During that span he only missed a total of 5 games, and his playoff production was similarly impressive. In his 85 WCF run, he put up a valiant effort against the eventual champion 62-20 lakers, posting 30.3 PPG, 6.5 RPG, 4.3 APG on 57.3% TS and 119 ORtg.

Do not know to what extent it is a faux pas to revive this three years later, and I considered making this post in the 2023 project thread, but the dedicated Alex English thread seems a lot more relevant for future readers trying to see what may have happened.

Mostly just curious, did anything meaningfully change in how you assessed him relative to others? I know there are voting nuances and all of that, but both of you have backed players who received no support, so I feel like if you really wanted to vote for English in 2024, you would have.
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Re: RealGM 2020 Top 100 Project: #68 

Post#29 » by Doctor MJ » Mon May 6, 2024 7:57 pm

AEnigma wrote:Mostly just curious, did anything meaningfully change in how you assessed him relative to others? I know there are voting nuances and all of that, but both of you have backed players who received no support, so I feel like if you really wanted to vote for English in 2024, you would have.

Speaking for myself, nothing really changed. I'd imagine that's how it is for most.

I'll say a couple things:

1. I think there's naturally a lot of variability deep in the project due to the gaps between players decreasing as we regress to the mean and the significance of proactive champions can really make a huge difference.

2. I do however think that the non-Condorcet approach I used can have an effect that hurts unobjectionable guys relative to a Condorcet approach deep in project. If no one is really heavy pro- or anti- a guy, he could end up winning Condorcet over those who are more polarizing, whereas the more polarizing folks might end up leaping forward on the back of passionate champions. Of course as I say this, you can have an anyone-but-X campaign going either way.

Big picture: The Top 100 is an imperfect thing and from one iteration to the next there can be swings that are not particularly meaningful on the latter part of the list.
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Re: RealGM 2020 Top 100 Project: #68 (Alex English) 

Post#30 » by penbeast0 » Mon May 6, 2024 8:29 pm

I quit supporting English as strongly after a series of posts making it clear that by the evidence we had, his defense was below league average rather than above it. I still strongly admire his versatility and ability to keep getting it done for over a decade and still support him above guys like Nique or Carmelo but without a strong defensive advantage, I have to support guys like Adrian Dantley above him.
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Re: RealGM 2020 Top 100 Project: #68 

Post#31 » by Clyde Frazier » Tue May 7, 2024 2:14 pm

AEnigma wrote: --

A recurring theme for me this time became voting for nominees due to feeling like others weren't deserving in that range. Many times I wasn't necessarily voting for my top choice, which I've seen others mention throughout the project. To be clear I don't have an issue with the voting system, but guys can definitely slip through the cracks depending on who you're supporting for nomination at the time. English ended up being one of those guys. It's too bad.

There's also the volatility of late project results as Doctor MJ mentioned. That happens every project. I do wonder if this year's project had the most first time inductees vs past years as there were a lot of new voters. Not something I have time to check right now though.

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